Recent content by ok doser

  1. ok doser

    Joe Biden Raped Tara Reade
  2. ok doser

    The Election was Stolen - PERIOD!

  3. ok doser

    A little comedy break....

    All of the humans should have been portrayed as black trans lesbians
  4. ok doser

    The Election was Stolen - PERIOD!

    Yes. They're giving benefits to non-citizens who are illegally in the country.
  5. ok doser

    Trump News
  6. ok doser

    Trump News
  7. ok doser

    Trump Derangement Syndrome featuring Robert De Niro

    The video from the op that was deleted from the Reddit post. Caution: DeNiro is deranged.
  8. ok doser

    Israel (the modern country)

  9. ok doser

    Trump Derangement Syndrome featuring Robert De Niro

    This was posted a couple days ago
  10. ok doser

    The Election was Stolen - PERIOD!
  11. ok doser

    Trump Derangement Syndrome featuring Robert De Niro

    I was never a huge fan of his work, often found his acting to be wooden and formulaic. Currently though he's getting a lot of attention for his desire to publicize his mental disorder regarding the former president. Not sure whether to pity him or mock him.
  12. ok doser

    The Election was Stolen - PERIOD!
  13. ok doser

    Wokey McWokeface

  14. ok doser

    You won't see this on the news

    Remember when Trump got blasted by the leftist MSM for referring to corrupt impoverished disease-ridden third world countries as "(poop)hole countries"? Remember when our leaders took pride in not letting our cities and states devolve into this condition? Pepperidge farm remembers
  15. ok doser

    Trump News