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  1. John Mortimer

    Of all the sayings of Jesus, which one has had the greatest impact on your life?

    Hi folks, I know there are SO many sayings of Jesus recorded in the Gospels and elsewhere in the Bible. For Christians in particular there will be so many that are as precious as life itself. However, if you were to choose just one - that had the biggest impact on your life - what would it be...
  2. John Mortimer

    Isaiah 11:6 KJV - since when was it wolf and lamb?!

    Hi folks, Isaiah 11:6 is the famous verse that speaks of a future time when the lion shall lay down with the lamb, right? WRONG! According to my KJV it's "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb". Was it always "wolf" not "lion"?! Was it not "lie down" or "lay down"? For sure now it's "dwell...
  3. John Mortimer

    The "moderate" Muslim majority???

    There have been many Muslim terrorist outrages in the recent past. The most recent French outrages left me wondering.....where are the cries of condemnation from the "moderate muslim majority" that we are told are "out there"??? I have seen one or two such responses from individual Muslims, but...
  4. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    I notice the "Right" hand here, (expressed with a capital R).... You have done what you were meant to do, Amiel - feel free to die now.
  5. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Great post - and the ramifications of this are immense! For example, are we willing to recognize fear within ourselves? Especially as it relates to what we conceive as "ultimate questions and answers". How is truth grounded in love? Would you agree that the concept of love arises from a desire...
  6. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Your respect is overwhelming! :chuckle: This is my fault for not spelling out every last syllable of what was meant. Freelight is only asking those who want to keep posting in this thread that they educate themselves to some degree about the subject matter. If they do not - and if their posting...
  7. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    I have read the entire Bible cover to cover three times and read many of the individual books hundreds of times. What point are you trying to make? Freelight is not insisting that you read the entire UB cover to cover - only that you educate yourself on it to some degree.
  8. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Just wanted to say, I DO find the fact that Gene Roddenberry was a UB devotee to be significant. He was creative, thought provoking and inspiring. He is a quote from Mr Roddenberry I very much appreciate - and I think it says much for the influence of the UB: “Reality is incredibly larger...
  9. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Yes - I, for one, do not accept the UB as it presents itself but it is, for me, a wonderful repository of truth and profound insight. I do not say I am "right" to not accept it as it presents itself. Furthermore I would say that if the UB was the foundation of a major world religion then this...
  10. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Hi Michael - just a quick response here, which I think is appropriate since: 1. we can evidently be civil listeners to each other 2. what I have to say here does relate to the Urantia Book and will hopefully clarify the nature of it in a very general way. 3. Whilst I am a Hindu, i am not in any...
  11. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Hi, Michael, As freelight points out in response to this, appreciation of the Hindu tradition does not necessarily make one more open to the UB. The Urantia revelation is one based upon the concept of spiritual progress/evolution; in that sense it is much more akin to the eclectic movements...
  12. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Agreed What is the origin of the Catholic Eucharist? I don't know...but I know how I experienced it in the Anglo-Catholic communion and it did me no spiritual harm whatsoever. it can only be a backward step - and an obscene one at that.
  13. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    He said, (if we are to trust the written account), "This IS my body" and "This IS my blood"... he didn't say, "This represents my body and blood". Now I know there are all sorts of arguments can be made against this understanding but that's irrelevant. the point is that many Catholic, Eastern...
  14. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    By whose mind, though? I don't agree. But moving on...... :thumb: Well, in a way that's a pity, although I do realise it could push the thread into a siding. :) Yes, I agree that the concept of blood atonement is powerless and valueless. But for some Catholics it's not about atonement. It's...
  15. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    There is an interesting point to be made here, I feel. But first...... I understand and agree with this completely. Now as regards the "Mass" / "Holy Communion" being merely symbolic... I would say that consciousness has the power to make it literal. I would say there have been, (and...
  16. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    This is keen insight. It's funny how things that should be obvious are often overlooked in their simplicity.
  17. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Right - that makes perfect sense. It even sheds light on why the statement about the moon and mercury was couched the way it was. Excellent! :up:
  18. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Yes, this IS a very important point. Setting even what seems to be correct science in stone is an abuse of the scientific method as the history of classical mechanics / quantum mechanics illustrates. Anyhow - I really would like feedback from the Urantia people on the "why not Venus?" issue.
  19. John Mortimer

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Stuart, did you read all of my short post? I do not accept the UB as what it claims to be. Why do you resort to presenting only half of the sentence in order to make it seem as if the UB statement can only be taken one way? Why all this hostility? Yes, and this is an issue I have been...