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  1. ttruscott

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Does the idea ofhell deny GOD's loving nature? IF we were created as eternally self and other aware spirits and IF we were all created with a free will and IF there is an unforgivable sin, a sin that puts the person outside of all grace and IF some of HIS creation chose to sin the...
  2. ttruscott

    Our built in disposition to sin

    If death comes to all because they are all sinners, then how can we not accept that no one dies unless they have sinned? Death is the wages of sin, not a consequence of life so death proves sinfulness, neh?
  3. ttruscott

    Our built in disposition to sin

    Of course... but why then, in light of 1 Timothy 1:9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers etc...and Romans 3:20... rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. were the (supposed) innocents, Adam and Eve, given a law?
  4. ttruscott

    Our built in disposition to sin

    I must disagree. ImCo: Our sinful nature or enslavement to the addictive power of sin can only come through our own free will decision to sin, to rebel against GOD himself as a God or, for a believer in HIS deity, a rebellion against HIS command. To inherit another's sinfulness by GOD's will...
  5. ttruscott

    Could God destroy a human being?

    This must be true for eternal hell to have any meaning... IF we were created as eternal beings, eternally self and other aware spirits and IF we were all created with a free will and IF there is an unforgivable sin, a sin that puts the person outside of all grace and IF some of HIS creation...
  6. ttruscott

    The Fall of Satan, Adam, and Eve, and the Fallen Angels

    I agree. But he did fail to keep his faith in YHWH after he saw that his loved one had given into (partly) the enemy's theological understanding of reality, over YHWH's definitions. Can we not say that Adam and Eve had a very different relationship with YHWH than the serpent had? The serpent...
  7. ttruscott

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    ...because if the judgement came upon all sinners before the fallen elect were fully sanctified, then they too would be wiped out, pulled up, against HIS promise of election. HE uses Satan's presence and sins to encourage us sinners who are not of Satan to repent. This is explained in the...
  8. ttruscott

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    Satan's rebellion against YHWH's claims to be our GOD and saviour for all sin as the lies of a false god and the rebellion of some of those who accepted YHWH's claims to be our GOD and Saviour from all sin (thus becoming HIS elect) but who then rebelled against HIS call for the banishment of the...
  9. ttruscott

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    this world was NOT GOD's perfect creation for man but a perfect prison for the fallen, Rev 12:4-9, both the reprobate demons who never put their faith in GOD as their Saviour for sin AND those who did put their faith in YHWH as their saviour for sin but who later sinned...these two groups are...
  10. ttruscott

    Sorting out often used expressions

    A will enslaved to depravity and a will predetermined by GOD to chose what HE wants no matter what the person wants is not a free will...
  11. ttruscott

    Sorting out often used expressions

    Please consider: If I am being coerced to decide something by another person then my decision to acquiesce to the coercion is indeed a true choice but since if I acquiesce to their will then it is not my will I follow but the other guys. Thus it cannot be said that I am following my own will...
  12. ttruscott

    Sorting out often used expressions

    By your definition you mean...certainly not by other definitions.
  13. ttruscott

    Sorting out often used expressions

    Wooah, biiig misunderstanding, huge! I did not make this claim to exonerate their sinfulness but to set up my thesis that such a free will decision must set our fates for eternity and sin by a true free will, ie not the fake free will of being enslaved to the addictive power of evil while...
  14. ttruscott

    Sorting out often used expressions

    Exactly ! ... unless of course * they chose to rebuke HIM as a liar before they saw any proof ie, by faith not proof, which is the unforgivable sin: that is, saved by faith not proof also means condemned by faith not proof. They can't be forgiven because - they made the decision to rebel...
  15. ttruscott

    Sorting out often used expressions

    Your line of logic fails here... everyone first sins willfully by a free will choice. No exception. "No excuse" is about after we have seen the proof of HIS divinity and eternal power as per Job 38:7...while the morning stars sang together and ALL the sons of God shouted for joy? Berean Standard...
  16. ttruscott

    Sorting out often used expressions

    My first premise: Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of...
  17. ttruscott

    Let's take a breather on geology. Let's get into linguistics. " An ancient village believed to be one of the oldest human settlements ever found in North America has been discovered during an...
  18. ttruscott

    Good morning, today the "post reply" buttons are missing and I see the notice "You have...

    Good morning, today the "post reply" buttons are missing and I see the notice "You have insufficient privileges to reply here." What is this all about? My note in the help desk returns the note, valid content is needed....
  19. ttruscott

    What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    When I say that our lives are predetermined I believe that covers answering the phone tomorrow or not, therefore I agree with your rather sophisticated syllogism. When I contend for our free will, I suggest it was during the time before any sin had yet occurred and will occur again after the...
  20. ttruscott

    What About Those In Non-Christian Lands Who Have Never Heard The Gospel?

    Mark 3:28–30: "Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven for their sins and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin—for they had said, "He has an unclean spirit."" This tells me there is a...