Green Energy

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Just like that: Germany U-turns, and wants unfashionable energy like nuclear, coal, and gas​

All it took was a War.
Policies based on fashion can be dead-set one day and gone the next. Until Saturday Germany was about to close its last nuclear power plants, gas production had been falling for 20 years and it planned to phase out coal plants by 2030.
Germany was the largest energy consumer in Europe, but was also determined to pursue Energiewende, the policy of transitioning from fossil fuels.
On Sunday all that changed:

Nuclear, coal, LNG: ‘no taboos’ in Germany’s energy about-face

In a landmark speech on Sunday, Chancellor Olaf Scholz spelled out a more radical path to ensure Germany will be able to meet rising energy supply and diversify away from Russian gas, which accounts for half of Germany’s energy needs.
“The events of the past few days have shown us that responsible, forward-looking energy policy is decisive not only for our economy and the environment. It is also decisive for our security,” Scholz told lawmakers in a special Bundestag session called to address the Ukraine crisis.
This will include building two liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, one in Brunsbuettel and one in Wilhelmshaven, and raising its natural gas reserves.
Graph, gas production, Germany, 1998 - 2020

Graph, gas production, Germany, 1998 – 2020 | Statista
An energy crisis is also a security crisis. Germany cancelled the Nord Stream gas pipe that would have brought even more gas from Russia.
Germany follows the UK and France in shifting energy policy away from unreliable intermittent green power. Last September the UK announced they were getting into small modular reactors. By October they were putting nuclear power ahead of the intermittent unreliables as a way to transition to “Net Zero”. Late in 2021, France decided to build up to 14 new nuclear reactors.
As of Sunday, Germany is also spending a lot more on their military.

In 2018, one World leader did warn Germany that they were too dependent on Russian gas, and they should have spent more on their military.

Note the reference to the corruption that plagues all of the West: “The Former Chancellor of Germany is the head of the pipeline company that is supplying the gas” … “you tell me, is that appropriate?”

That one world leader was of course Trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Stop Letting Environmental Groups Funded By Russia Dictate America’s Energy Policy​

oil refinery

It is an open secret that Russians have funded anti-fracking and anti-natural gas propaganda in America for decades.

In aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one thing has become abundantly clear to the American people: energy security is national security. But after decades of indoctrination by environmental groups who have pushed a climate change agenda completely detached from reality, today America is left with neither.
Since the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden has capitulated to America’s most powerful, well-funded, dark money environmental groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network, whose agenda is to shut down fossil fuels and restructure our entire economy around a socialist-style Green New Deal.

Politically beholden to these groups, and fearing the shame and public harassment tactics that they are known for, President Biden began his presidency by unleashing a war on American oil and gas to satisfy the environmental left. Many people don’t know that for years, Russia has funded the anti-fracking propaganda that many environmental groups have picked up.
In 2017, congressional investigators found that a money trail linked Russia to millions of dollars funding U.S. nonprofits to work against U.S. shale gas in order to influence the U.S. energy market. Specifically, investigators found that NRDC, Sierra Club, and Climate Action Network were all found to have received millions of dollars of funding in grants from a shady San Francisco-based company called “Sea Change” that a money trail linked back to the Russians. Indeed, it is an open secret that Russians have funded anti-fracking and anti-natural gas propaganda in America for decades, as environmental groups funded the campaigns of Democrats and pressured them to ban fossil fuels.

These same environmental groups relentlessly attacked President Trump and his appointees (I was one) as “anti-science,” “enemies of the EPA,” and “climate change deniers,” pulling out all the stops to frame President Trump’s pro-American energy agenda as harmful to the environment. President Trump knew then what we are all seeing now: Energy independence is crucial to our security, and we don’t have to shut down industry with duplicative and costly regulations to protect our environment.
After spending millions to elect Biden, the environmental left got its wish: Biden canceled America’s Keystone XL pipeline, blocking the safe transport of oil from one of our closest allies and killing thousands of jobs. At the same time, Biden removed President Trump’s sanctions on the Russian NordStream2 pipeline, giving Putin the green light to move forward.

Biden canceled oil and gas leasing on 2.46 billion acres of federal on and off-shore lands, effectively crushing American energy supplies. He unleashed his federal regulators at the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, and more to hamper energy exploration, production, and transportation with new regulations. Finally, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent, Biden’s regulators at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission took one more step to embolden Russian oil by clamping down on pipeline permits and LNG-export terminals, which could have helped supply American gas to the rest of the world.

The result is that Russia got exactly what it wanted: Europe and America have become more dependent on Russian gas to supply our energy needs, depriving us of an incredibly important geopolitical tool of leverage in a time of crisis. Emboldened by Biden’s weak leadership and increased reliance on Russian gas, Putin made his move. So far, Biden has refused to hit Russia with sanctions on their oil and gas sector or remove barriers to American energy production.

Further adding to this madness is the fact that very few of Biden’s punitive moves against American energy would actually help the environment.
Numerous studies have shown that pipelines have no material impact on greenhouse gas emissions since crude oil would still be extracted, and shipping it by rail or tanker instead of pipeline results in up to 42 percent higher emissions and more leaks.

Furthermore, American natural gas is far cleaner than Russian gas. A major 2019 study by the U.S. National Energy Technology Laboratory found that Russian gas piped to Europe has up to 22 percent more greenhouse gas emissions than European coal. U.S. liquified natural gas (LNG) delivered to the EU, in contrast, has up to 56 percent fewer total emissions than EU coal, the report shows.

Overall, natural gas production in the United States has fugitive emissions of 1.4 percent of total gas volume, according to an analysis from the Environmental Protection Agency done during the Obama administration. Amazingly, many of these groups also reject nuclear energy as a solution to climate change even though it has zero carbon emissions.

It is time for Biden and Democrats to wake up and stop their blind allegiance to environmental groups who attack American energy and have links to foreign countries. Energy policy should not be dictated by political groups, it should take into account all the factors and issues at play, of which climate change is one. National security and energy reliability are others.

America’s energy policy should embrace an all-of-the-above approach that includes nuclear, renewables, and gas. It is also time to recognize the significant gains U.S industry has made in fighting climate change. Since 2000, the United States has led the world in energy-related emissions reductions as natural gas from shale hydraulic fracturing has replaced coal power generation.
American energy can blunt the influence of Russian gas and reduce emissions.

It’s time to stop the war on American oil and gas.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Fossil Fuels Save Lives​

Over the last 100 years, we've seen a 98 percent decrease in climate-related deaths. You can thank fossil fuels.​

The "Greens" promise renewables, solar and wind power, will replace fossil fuels. After all, the wind and sun are free, and they don't pollute!
Now countries that embraced renewables are so desperate for power that they eagerly import coal, the worst polluter of all!
Do they apologize? No. Greens never apologize.
Germany was a leader in renewable energy, so confident in solar and wind power that they closed half their nuclear plants.

That leaves Germans so short of power that Germans are now desperate to buy fossil fuels from Russia. Even worse, pollution-wise, high pollution coal now tops wind as Germany's biggest electricity source. That's really disgusting.
Then, even after putting all that soot in the air, Germans pay more than triple what Americans pay for electricity.
For my new video, I confront German-born environmentalist Johanna Neumann of Environment America, a group that lobbies for 100 percent renewable energy.
I point out that despite massive subsidies, her beloved renewables still provide just 12 percent of our power. She responds, "Saying renewables are not yet powering our utility grid is like critiquing a 2-year-old for not being able to run a marathon."
A 2-year-old? I don't want to meet that kid. Renewables have been subsidized for 40 years, not two.
"How we spend our taxes ought to be a reflection of our values," Neumann adds. "Americans…love renewable energy."
Yes, I suppose we do. We like the idea of it. I put solar panels on my roof. I'd be a sucker not to. Massachusetts takes money from other state residents to give me a tax break on solar panels.

Still, in winter, when the sun is low, or my panels are covered by snow, I get nothing from my solar panels.
What kind of energy solution is that? People need energy when it's cloudy, too. They also need it when the wind doesn't blow.
"When the sun goes down…offshore winds get cranked up," says Neumann.
No, they don't!
"The wind doesn't always come up when the sun goes down," I point out.
"Renewables are clearly better," Neumann replies.
She says we'll solve renewable energy's inconsistency by doing things like storing energy in batteries.
Well, yes, a battery that holds energy for weeks would make renewables work. But it doesn't exist.
"This is just a total fantasy, which is why nobody has done it anywhere, ever!" says Alex Epstein, author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels.
Fossil fuels are moral, Epstein correctly points out, because human flourishing depends on them.
Abundant fossil fuels are especially important for poor people.
"Three billion people in the world still use less electricity than a typical American refrigerator. Are we going to allow them to have a modern life? Because that's going to depend on fossil fuels."

Even if climate change becomes a serious problem, fossil fuels reduce its harm by making us prosperous enough to afford protection against the climate.
"We have a 98 percent decline in climate-related disaster deaths over the last 100 years," Epstein points out.
A 98 percent drop in deaths! This is the amazing untold story of fossil fuels and their benefits. Because oil and natural gas so efficiently provide power, heat homes when it's freezing, pump water during droughts, etc., millions thrive, despite problems like climate change.
Thanks to fossil fuels, "We have this amazing productive ability," says Epstein. "That's the only reason we experience the planet as livable."
Global warming is a threat. Limiting fossil fuels now, without a capable alternative, will make it even harder to deal with the effects.
Unless someone invents a miracle battery or something else that makes sun and wind power practical, we need fossil fuels, desperately.
Poor people need them most.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Just like that: Germany U-turns, and wants unfashionable energy like nuclear, coal, and gas​

All it took was a War.
Policies based on fashion can be dead-set one day and gone the next. Until Saturday Germany was about to close its last nuclear power plants, gas production had been falling for 20 years and it planned to phase out coal plants by 2030.
Germany was the largest energy consumer in Europe, but was also determined to pursue Energiewende, the policy of transitioning from fossil fuels.
On Sunday all that changed:

Nuclear, coal, LNG: ‘no taboos’ in Germany’s energy about-face

In a landmark speech on Sunday, Chancellor Olaf Scholz spelled out a more radical path to ensure Germany will be able to meet rising energy supply and diversify away from Russian gas, which accounts for half of Germany’s energy needs.
“The events of the past few days have shown us that responsible, forward-looking energy policy is decisive not only for our economy and the environment. It is also decisive for our security,” Scholz told lawmakers in a special Bundestag session called to address the Ukraine crisis.
This will include building two liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, one in Brunsbuettel and one in Wilhelmshaven, and raising its natural gas reserves.
Graph, gas production, Germany, 1998 - 2020

Graph, gas production, Germany, 1998 – 2020 | Statista
An energy crisis is also a security crisis. Germany cancelled the Nord Stream gas pipe that would have brought even more gas from Russia.
Germany follows the UK and France in shifting energy policy away from unreliable intermittent green power. Last September the UK announced they were getting into small modular reactors. By October they were putting nuclear power ahead of the intermittent unreliables as a way to transition to “Net Zero”. Late in 2021, France decided to build up to 14 new nuclear reactors.
As of Sunday, Germany is also spending a lot more on their military.

In 2018, one World leader did warn Germany that they were too dependent on Russian gas, and they should have spent more on their military.

Note the reference to the corruption that plagues all of the West: “The Former Chancellor of Germany is the head of the pipeline company that is supplying the gas” … “you tell me, is that appropriate?”

That one world leader was of course Trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This chart is 2 years old but it's still very representative of the current state of energy consumption in this country. And it's useful for referring to when discussing the idiocy of the current government's approach towards transitioning off an existing energy supply that meets 80% of our demand, and expecting a non-existing supply to replace it.

US Primary Energy Consumption by Energy Source 2019.png

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This chart is 2 years old but it's still very representative of the current state of energy consumption in this country. And it's useful for referring to when discussing the idiocy of the current government's approach towards transitioning off an existing energy supply that meets 80% of our demand, and expecting a non-existing supply to replace it.

View attachment 3012
For the extreme left however, the goal is a reduction in demand. The extreme left wants to reduce 80% of the energy demand in this country, and they intend to do it by destroying capitalism.

For many of them a secondary goal is the destruction of this country, a country they believe was founded in corruption immorality and evil and that must be destroyed at its root.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why renewables can't save the planet - a case for nuclear from a former True Believer™


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The contradictions of electric powered vehicles

... and incontrovertible proof that Joe Biden raped Tara Reade


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Why renewables can't save the planet - a case for nuclear from a former True Believer™
Nuclear fuel is hot whether or not it's concentrated and exploited in a nuclear power plant, that's why it's best. It's heating the planet up either way. If we can make electricity from it while it heats, there's no additional carbon or climate cost at all to it, unlike fossil fuels but also unlike renewables. They all have to be burned, which makes new heat, so whatever we're doing with the electricity, it costs us the heat. Nuclear fuel is already hot, already going to be hot, it's already going to release that heat, but renewables and fossil fuels only release heat if we burn them.

And heat is after all the problem. Go nukes!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
  • ‘The Supply Chain Does Not Exist’: Green Energy Industry Is In For A Rude Awakening​

  • Wind and solar companies have reported massive profit declines over the last year as clean energy prices have risen and new installations have been delayed thanks to supply chain shortfalls, market uncertainty and the Ukraine crisis.
  • “One of the problems with this industry as a whole is that, since at its very foundation it is based on government subsidies and government mandates, its market value is never truly known,” said Daniel Turner, the executive director of Power the Future.
  • “90% to 95% of the supply chain does not exist,” RJ Scaringe, CEO of electric vehicle maker Rivian, told reporters in April, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Renewable energy prices have skyrocketed while new wind and solar installations have plummeted over the last year, even as governments continue to forge ahead with ambitious climate plans.

While the U.S., European Union, other Western nations and international organizations have all pursued aggressive climate agendas that involve expanding renewable energy technology and infrastructure, prices have surged and profits have declined, according to industry reports and corporate earnings reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. President Joe Biden has made a series of climate pledges, including a commitment to decarbonize the grid by 2035 and achieve net-zero economy-wide emissions by 2050, while pushing a long list of anti-fossil fuel policies.

Commodity markets tied to global renewable energy development have been roiled by inflation, supply chain issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and, more recently, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Even as project demand has stayed high, industry profitability has declined because of these factors.

“One of the problems with this industry as a whole is that, since at its very foundation it is based on government subsidies and government mandates, its market value is never truly known,” Daniel Turner, the executive director of Power the Future, told the DCNF in an interview.

“It’s a big lie when the environmentalists say, ‘it’s cheap’ — we don’t know what it actually costs,” Turner continued. “It may be, I’m not denying it could be, but the fact is we don’t actually know what wind and solar cost.”


Gary K

New member
  • ‘The Supply Chain Does Not Exist’: Green Energy Industry Is In For A Rude Awakening​

  • Wind and solar companies have reported massive profit declines over the last year as clean energy prices have risen and new installations have been delayed thanks to supply chain shortfalls, market uncertainty and the Ukraine crisis.
  • “One of the problems with this industry as a whole is that, since at its very foundation it is based on government subsidies and government mandates, its market value is never truly known,” said Daniel Turner, the executive director of Power the Future.
  • “90% to 95% of the supply chain does not exist,” RJ Scaringe, CEO of electric vehicle maker Rivian, told reporters in April, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Renewable energy prices have skyrocketed while new wind and solar installations have plummeted over the last year, even as governments continue to forge ahead with ambitious climate plans.

While the U.S., European Union, other Western nations and international organizations have all pursued aggressive climate agendas that involve expanding renewable energy technology and infrastructure, prices have surged and profits have declined, according to industry reports and corporate earnings reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. President Joe Biden has made a series of climate pledges, including a commitment to decarbonize the grid by 2035 and achieve net-zero economy-wide emissions by 2050, while pushing a long list of anti-fossil fuel policies.

Commodity markets tied to global renewable energy development have been roiled by inflation, supply chain issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and, more recently, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Even as project demand has stayed high, industry profitability has declined because of these factors.

“One of the problems with this industry as a whole is that, since at its very foundation it is based on government subsidies and government mandates, its market value is never truly known,” Daniel Turner, the executive director of Power the Future, told the DCNF in an interview.

“It’s a big lie when the environmentalists say, ‘it’s cheap’ — we don’t know what it actually costs,” Turner continued. “It may be, I’m not denying it could be, but the fact is we don’t actually know what wind and solar cost.”

Interesting story.

There is a you tube channel from a small farm run by a former solar engineer that I watch on a semi regular basis. He has a 1/2 hour show on solar power that he installed on his farm. He covers how it works, the payoff over time, the reliabilty, etc... His demonstrated time to recover costs from the last 12 years of operation say that it will take them 25 years for the system to pay for itself and if someone doesn't have the ready cash to purchase and install the system like he and his wife did it will take a lot longer than that with interest charges. That's a terrible investment payoff and he admits he didn't invest his money in it because of it's pay back time.

Here is a link to his solar story.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Thanks for buying all these really expensive electric cars but what we really want you to do is ride the bus so we're going to take them away from you and make you ride the bus until we tell you that we don't want you to ride the bus we want you to sit at home.



Well-known member
Thanks for buying all these really expensive electric cars but what we really want you to do is ride the bus so we're going to take them away from you and make you ride the bus until we tell you that we don't want you to ride the bus we want you to sit at home.

Electric cars are a really bad investment. However, many leading democrats with private jets and gas and diesel-guzzling muscle cars and trucks still preach the desperate need for people to give up gas and diesel and buy electric. They lie, but that is not shocking because that is what they have been doing to displease God for decades.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Electric cars are a really bad investment. However, many leading democrats with private jets and gas and diesel-guzzling muscle cars and trucks still preach the desperate need for people to give up gas and diesel and buy electric. They lie, but that is not shocking because that is what they have been doing to displease God for decades.

View attachment 3363
I was researching electric rechargeable snowmobiles a couple months ago, turned up a company named Taiga, they make a really interesting sled that apparently has really really good performance, everything except for range.

Right across them a couple days ago looking for information on electric Jet Skis. Turns out they make one of those with the same sorts of benefits and drawbacks.

Electric has potential that I expect to see achieved in my lifetime but it will require a paradigm shift in electric energy storage technology.


Well-known member
An electric vehicle in every garage!

View attachment 3130

Famous global warming cultist politicians advocate selling your cars and buying a bike.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
To summarize - compared to internal combustion engine cars, electric cars weigh more and have more powerful engines/motors, are driven more aggressively, and emit more particulate matter from the tire wear than internal combustion engine cars emit from tire wear and tailpipe emissions combined.
