7 Years Until the End !

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IT IS 2005

Only 7 years left till the year 2012 AD.

Are you ready to meet your MAKER ????????????


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You should learn from Scripture and history to not play the dating game. Your credibility is taking another hit.

Yes, I am prepared to meet my Maker. This is what we know: i) Jesus will return as He promised ii) We are to occupy until He comes iii) we are not to speculate on dates.


New member
I have been away for awhile and just wanted to have A DATE with you guys.

Godrulz says that the Scripture indicates that we are not to make Dates but it only says that

it is Not for the 12 APOSTLES to know the Day or Hour but says nothing about the Year, Decade or Month.

Jesus says that it is Not for the 12 APOSTLES to know the Times and Seasons but Not US.

I think that with all the SIGNS , that the 2nd Coming will be around the year 2012 AD.

But other posters think that it will be for many years hence.

Acts 1:6 ¶ When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
Acts 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.


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Why 2012? Do you know how many false prophecies the cults have given relating to the end of things? Dime a dozen :juggle:


New member
godrulz said:
Why 2012? Do you know how many false prophecies the cults have given relating to the end of things? Dime a dozen :juggle:

I remember sitting in a Coco's Restaurant in San Jose, Ca in 1988 with a group of pastors and lay leaders having lunch. Suddenly, a waitress came up to us and said that the Lord would come back in Sept. Specifically the 23rd or 24th, if I remember right. I remember we told her that the Lord said no one one would know the day or the hour and she said that was right. It could be anytime in this certain 24 hour period. We tried to help her maintain her faith in spite of the near certain disappointment that was just around the corner. Come to find out, thousands had been misled by some pastor in Arkansas who had done some numerological manipulation to PROVE the Lord HAD to come back then. Such stuff, Omega, is the stuff of fools. Yes, he will come back but you don't have a clue when and neither do I.


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There are scads of ancient and modern examples of those who play the dating game. Omega will go down as one of these (unless the Lord coincidentally does return in 2012, which is possible, but not probable).


OMEGA said:
IT IS 2005

Only 7 years left till the year 2012 AD.

Are you ready to meet your MAKER ????????????

Then you obviously wouldn't mind signing papers stating you are turning all your possessions over to me in 2012 since you won't be needing them any longer.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
billwald said:
Most every predictor says 2012 because it is the end of the Mayan calandar and other good reasons.
:darwinsm: As if "it is the end of the Mayan calandar" is a good reason!


New member
Omega - good point, and you are batting well above average - you are half right,(just joking)... half the people in North America will die between 2012, and 2025 - simply because of old age, it is the demographics, and the average life expectanecy - anyone could figure it out.

So anyways, your post was good, half right, anyways - and for those who want to theorize what will happen when half of the taxpayers die in ten to twenty years, well half of the taxpayers will stop working well before that - and since the pension funds are taken out of general revenue, and half of the people stop working and start to draw on a non-exixtent government fund for pensions - well anyways will that end up killing the rest of us?

You might be more right than I gave you credit for - but your no prophet.

With Christ's Love



New member
With the Middle East Arming themselves with Russian and Chinese missles aimed at Jerusalem,

I think that it will culminate in Armageddon very soon.

Thursday - March 17, 2005

Egypt Mulls Buy Of 100 F-16s
WASHINGTON [MENL] -- Egypt has entered the advanced stage of
negotiations for the procurement of up to 100 advanced F-16s from the
United States.
Russia Begins Marketing Vehicle-Mounted SA-18
MOSCOW [MENL] -- Russia has launched marketing of a vehicle-mounted
surface-to-air missile to Arab states.

Hamas Test-Fires Kassam In W. Bank
TEL AVIV [MENL] -- Israel has uncovered a Hamas network that for the
first time test-fired a Kassam-class, short-range missile in the West
U.S. Enables Turkey To Bolster Forces In Cyprus
WASHINGTON [MENL] -- The United States has allowed Turkey to bolster
its forces in Northern Cyprus.

Thursday - March 03, 2005

Jordan, Syria Sign Security Accord
AMMAN [MENL] -- Jordan and Syria have signed a security cooperation
Russia Plans S-18 Sale To Syria
MOSCOW [MENL] -- Russia plans to sell the SA-18 surface-to-air
missile to Syria.
Last edited:


New member
And the Sun a grocery store gossip rag has emphaticlly stated in big bold red letters on the cover of their magazine that...

Jesus will come back Sept 11 2005.

Luk 12:40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

Unfortunately we do not live in that hour everyone is still setting dates for His return.

He is not returning UNTIL it is time for the restitution of all things.

Act 3:19-21 KJVA Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; (20) And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: (21) Whom the heaven must receive UNTIL the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.

Grace and Peac Patrick


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Jack Van Impe has been saying the end is soon for decades based on observing modern events. We have to be careful not to read the newspaper back into prophecy. Every generation of Christians for 2000 years (including Paul) thought the return was near. His return is imminent. It could happen anytime. We should not speculate too much. It certainly is nearer than it was yesterday.


New member
OMEGA said:
IT IS 2005

Only 7 years left till the year 2012 AD.

Are you ready to meet your MAKER ????????????

In the Bible, false prophets were put to death. Do you give us permission to execute you if you are wrong? :think:


New member
Jesus said it was not for us or even Him to know just when the return would be so the effort to find out is a vain one. We will not know. There is a legitamate hint though. All the end times prophesys are about Isreal. For years Christians convinced themselves that the prophesys were really about them. Isreal was destroyed. The Jews were scattered. So Chrisendom was the "new" Isreal. But what do we know, now Isreal is a nation again after 2000 years. So maybe we should just trust God to do what He said He would do? It is all about Isreal. The Jews are the chosen people. Now that there is an Isreal the show can begin.


godrulz said:
Jack Van Impe has been saying the end is soon for decades based on observing modern events. We have to be careful not to read the newspaper back into prophecy. Every generation of Christians for 2000 years (including Paul) thought the return was near. His return is imminent. It could happen anytime. We should not speculate too much. It certainly is nearer than it was yesterday.

How do you know? Maybe God moved it back a day?
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