Good news. Thought you were the same guy since your name is the same. Both very nice gentleman too. Good we still have our Lon.
This banner was up on CF yesterday or day before:
Announcing Some Sad News: It is with heavy hearts that we share the news that our beloved Chaplain, drstevej, and a wonderful moderator, mnorian, passed away. mnorian passed on March 17th, and drstevej passed on March 26th. . drstevej joined CF in 2003 and served CF in various roles including site Advisor. He has been a chaplain since 2015. mnorian was a gentle soul that liked praise music and helping people. We are going to miss their presence on this site. We deeply mourn their absense here.
Was their Lon one of these, or did a third person pass away?
Or is your CF not Christian Forums?