Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

Gary K

New member
Gotta be "climate change" 🙄
Well, it's related to that. It's getting impossible to find things that I could find a year ago as he censorship is getting more thorough. Here is an abstract on the creation of spheroid ice for medical purposes. It demonstrates the amount of research going on and what is now possible. It's now being used on a mass scale to change our climate.


Gary K

New member
Here is a US patent from 1967 for irradiating large areas of earth. Why would anyone want to put that much time and effort into doing this to our own back yard? To kill us, that's why. They are hiding this stuff in plain sight and using mass hypnosis to keep people from believing it.

Here is a link to a list of patents for climate engineering from 1891 to this year.


Gary K

New member
Here is a link to a video on Rumble which you need to watch the first 30 seconds or so. If it doesn't convince you nothing will as it is Lyndon Johnso at a graduation ceremony talking about controlling rhe weather to rule the world.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If you win the lottery because you buy every single possible number combination you are a gigantic loser. Same with buying every single possible conspiracy theory.

Gary K

New member
If you win the lottery because you buy every single possible number combination you are a gigantic loser. Same with buying every single possible conspiracy theory.
So patents and video evidence mean nothing to you? I don't know how old you are but ice balls and rotating sheet ice is something that didn't exist until a few years ago. I have lived my entire life in northern Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon and I've never seen it before. I'm now 70 so I've been around ice and snow for a while.

Gary K

New member
I see nobody will read the actual patents. It's just really odd to me that those who understand that our politicians and government colluded witrh big pharma to kill us refuse to even look at the evidence that they are trying to kill us with HAARP, chem trails and the rest of the the climate change garbage that they are perpetrating on us. The evidence is overwhelming when a person actually looks at it, but everyone wants to call it a "conspiracy theory". I find that amusing to a certain degree as you are called "conspiracy theorists" by the media every day but refuse to believe the government would do anything else to kill us.

Look at what else is done to us! J6, covid, rampant inflation while telling us inflation is very low, evolution is preached at us, transgenderism, homosexuality, taking our arms away from us, Ukraine, gigantic debt, Biden is a good man, Hunter didn't do anything wrong, the FBI is trustworthy, nobody is intentionally burning down food processing plants, cattle are dying of heat. The list of things we're lied to about is endless. Everyday life tells us that true evil surrounds us, but not that. That doesn't exist. ***shakes head in wonder***


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
So patents and video evidence mean nothing to you?
Everything means something. It's just that elite poker players fold more than half the time. Any poker player who plays every hand is a gigantic loser. Even when they win a long-shot hand it can't make up for all their losses.
I don't know how old you are but ice balls and rotating sheet ice is something that didn't exist until a few years ago.
Have you ever heard the expression never believe anybody who isn't cross-examined?
I have lived my entire life in northern Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon and I've never seen it before. I'm now 70 so I've been around ice and snow for a while.

Gary K

New member
Everything means something. It's just that elite poker players fold more than half the time. Any poker player who plays every hand is a gigantic loser. Even when they win a long-shot hand it can't make up for all their losses.

Have you ever heard the expression never believe anybody who isn't cross-examined?

So, you can make that judgment without any knowledge of what you're talking about? I can give you a ist of at least a hundred patents along these lines that demonstrates how much money, time, and effort to make it a reality. I can also show you a video clip of Lyndon Johnson speaking at a graduation talking about controling the weather because he who controls the weather controls the world.

Would any of that influence your thinking at all? Johnson was a corrupt piece of work and a power mad politician.


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I can also show you a video clip of Lyndon Johnson speaking at a graduation talking about controling the weather because he who controls the weather controls the world.
Lyndon Johnson controls the weather?

Who was controlling the weather until Lyndon Johnson started controlling it?
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So patents and video evidence mean nothing to you? I don't know how old you are but ice balls and rotating sheet ice is something that didn't exist until a few years ago. I have lived my entire life in northern Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon and I've never seen it before. I'm now 70 so I've been around ice and snow for a while.
Just to let you know, I did see this some decade or decades ago. It's not new.

Gary K

New member
Just to let you know, I did see this some decade or decades ago. It's not new.
Climste engineering has been going on since the 1890s. It started out as just cloud seeding,but it has grown to where it is killing us because it run by evil people now. Gates is into this big time.,