What Did I Learn?

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Tye Porter

New member
Crow said:
While I'm glad to see you back, I'm disappointed to see that you apparantly haven't learned a damn thing in your exile.
I've learned several "Damned" things and been enlightened to other less damned things.
One of the "Damned" things which I've learned is that God's children respect, love and honour those who hate Him.
God's children "are destroyed from lack of knowledge..."
You've been given the truth, it was admitted and yet you "call evil good and good evil."
I know that I don't have the same gift some of you do for being as compassionate and patient.
I don't tolerate and I'm unable to sit still when faced with lies and hate.
I have the ability to discern and quickly illustrate and you folks are supposed to have the gift to minister.
That's how the body works, we are supposed to compliment each other.
To me, discernment is as simple as two magnets coming at each other from the same poles.
They repel each other.
I cannot play political correctness as y'all seem to be able to do.
My love causes me to shine light on the problem and set to fix it.
Somebody did it for me and I've done it for many of my friends and brothers in Christ.
While I've learned that some (most?) of the respected Christians on here have not grown and have tolerated and even accepted the open hatred of God and the false religion preached in here, I hope and pray that someday y'all will know, really know the truth and that it sets you free of that bondage.

Me, I've no desire to confront "him" as his true nature and spirit have already been brought to the surface.
There is Good News to be spread to others to whom the seeds can be given and they will actually take root and grow in the Lord.
I've gracefully give up (spreading pearls before swine) on soils that are shallow, dry and unfruitful.

I'm sure that my abilities, my different approach to ministry will cause me to be banned again.
It's not my intent but I'm sure that being an intolerant and matter of fact fundie around here will again cause my bannishment.

Quick note, Crow:
I was not "exiled".
I was banned the same day as "him" and the powers that be gave me the opportunity to come back and I said thank you but no thank you; unlike "him".
Nearly two years later, as you can see, I've changed my mind.

Why was I banned?
Because I threatened to hold "him" accountable, as all Christians are to be held accountable to one another.
That was seen as "stalking" by the one who did not want to be held accountable and I was banned.

So telling me that I apparantly did not learn a damned thing during my "exile" would be wrong.
I've learned that God's children are tolerant and are very perculiar about that which they preach and actually put into practice.
All bark and no bite.

And no, Knight, that is not a challenge to be banned again.

I'm implying that y'all talk alot of Faith and "Christianity" but I've yet to see the actual walk, the fruit of your Spirits.
The only true fruits and spirits I've seen in here are those who openly and admittedly hate God.
Zakath (who canot hate something that does not actually exist!), "him" and the rest of em.

I respect that but not their choices and until I'm banned again I have every compulsion of The Spirit to remind them every chance I get. I'm neither violent, vulgar nor obscene. Unlike those who hate God on these boards. I will continue to shine God's light into the dark rooms in which these folks ply their religions, lies and hate.

Crow, I love you, Ma'am, but you seem the most tolerant.
Always telling us, "You don't understand." or "You don't know the whole story."
You were partly right, I've not learned "damned" things; those damned things being tolerance and acceptance of the open hate of God in here.

Praise Jesus for not learning those damned things!


New member

The "damned thing" I was speaking of was to not start fights and harass people, but to confront issue to issue.

Y'all do what you will where you will. Except in the Redneck's Club. Let the chips fall where they may.
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Nathon Detroit

Tye Porter said:

I'm implying that y'all talk alot of Faith and "Christianity" but I've yet to see the actual walk, the fruit of your Spirits.
The only true fruits and spirits I've seen in here are those who openly and admittedly hate God.
Zakath (who canot hate something that does not actually exist!), "him" and the rest of em.
Uh gee.... thanks. :rolleyes:


Who is the stooge now?
Tye, do you even know what the fruits of the spirit are?

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control.

Emphasis mine. :)


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Tye, your being ridiculous. Yes, we all know you have resentment gallore and by golly people around here are going to find out just how bad of a mood you're really in. We get it. Now why don't you get over it. Your talk of too much political correctness going on here and your stupid comment...

While I've learned that some (most?) of the respected Christians on here have not grown and have tolerated and even accepted the open hatred of God and the false religion preached in here, I hope and pray that someday y'all will know, really know the truth and that it sets you free of that bondage.

is pathetic.

If you think that TOL is a place where the open hatred of God is tolerated and accepted as the norm your full of it! But you already know this. While there may be a small percentage of TOL Christian members who are too tolerant(and these are confronted over this on a regular basis), over all TOL is known for being different because it speaks against those things the world says we should tolerate. It's known for being intolerant to the things that are commonly tolerated today among Christians in general. It's not the norm when it comes to your mamby pamby, "everybody must love everybody" politically correct Christian site. So get off your high horse trying to prove you're the master when it comes to strictly shunning evil while we all sit around here and sing "Kumbaya", joyfully embracing it. What good is your "strict witness" when you're known to act like a horse's backside?

You know, I seem to recall you commenting that TOL was a good place for people to end up and maybe learn something.

Tye Porter

New member
Well now, momma poly speaks!

Well now, momma poly speaks!

Poly said:
Tye, your being ridiculous. Yes, we all know you have resentment gallore and by golly people around here are going to find out just how bad of a mood you're really in. We get it. Now why don't you get over it.

You flatter yourself way too much, ma'am.
Of whom or what am I resentful?

Your talk of too much political correctness going on here and your stupid comment...is pathetic.

Ok, show me growth, prove me wrong, ma'am.
Not the normal riff raff that gets banned the day they log in, but show me somebody who has come to Christ?
Personal stories.
Show me that in the two years since "his" true colours came shining through that instead of tolerating his hate, you showed "him" the way to Christ and that "he" is now a Christians which is why y'all respect "him" so highly.

If you think that TOL is a place where the open hatred of God is tolerated and accepted as the norm your full of it! But you already know this. While there may be a small percentage of TOL Christian members who are too tolerant(and these are confronted over this on a regular basis), over all TOL is known for being different because it speaks against those things the world says we should tolerate.

You're right, it speaks against it. And so far, that's all it does.
I was banned for acting. The one who was confronted remained here and was tolerated.
I'm not resentful of that, Poly, I'm sad for you.
You represent those who are tolerant of those who hate God.
You hold them in high regard, Poly.
Love them, I agree.
Love them so much that not a post goes by, not a reply is accepted without them having been reminded that Jesus Christ is the truth, not their preverted religions and ideas.

It's known for being intolerant to the things that are commonly tolerated today among Christians in general. It's not the norm when it comes to your mamby pamby, "everybody must love everybody" politically correct Christian site. So get off your high horse trying to prove you're the master when it comes to strictly shunning evil while we all sit around here and sing "Kumbaya", joyfully embracing it. What good is your "strict witness" when you're known to act like a horse's backside?

Horse's backside or not, you consider me such because I don't tolerate. I'm not politically correct and mamby pamby.

You know, I seem to recall you commenting that TOL was a good place for people to end up and maybe learn something.

With that I still agree.
We can learn something.
Lurkers can still come to Christ.
Brothers can still sharpen their swords here.
As I said, there are others to whom I can spread the Good News.
You Poly, are soft, tolerating and accepting.
I'm a horse's backside and I am rough.
I come straight out and tell the truth.
You don't like it.
"The Truth is hate to those who hate the Truth."
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Blessed beyond measure
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Tye Porter said:
You flatter yourself way too much, ma'am.
Of whom or what am I resentful?

Tye Porter said:
I was banned for acting. The one who was confronted remained here and was tolerated.

Tye Porter

New member
Great point, Poly.
Christians should never act.
We should sit back and love.
Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya.

Open rebuke is better than hidden love, Poly.

For you, rebuking Christians is far better than acting on your Faith and confronting those who hate God.

Turn your focus on them, Poly, stop embarrassing yourself.


Blessed beyond measure
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Tye Porter said:
Great point, Poly.
Christians should never act.
We should sit back and love.
Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya.

Open rebuke is better than hidden love, Poly.

For you, rebuking Christians is far better than acting on your Faith and confronting those who hate God.

Turn your focus on them, Poly, stop embarrassing yourself.

Wow, I guess you're gonna show all of us up now. We only thought we were rebuking but good ol' Tye's gonna come show us how it's really done.

Well, sorry but acting like a spoiled rotten immature brat doesn't make your rebuking of evil more effective. It's damaging to the gospel.

And you're right I need to stop embarrassing myself in carrying on this conversation with a jerk who doesn't deserve a response.

Tye Porter

New member


Poly said:
Wow, I guess you're gonna show all of us up now. We only thought we were rebuking but good ol' Tye's gonna come show us how it's really done.

Well, sorry but acting like a spoiled rotten immature brat doesn't make your rebuking of evil more effective. It's damaging to the gospel.

And you're right I need to stop embarrassing myself in carrying on this conversation with a jerk who doesn't deserve a response.

I don't mind you thinking I'm a jerk, Poly.
You think it for all the right reasons.
I'm intolerant and unpolished.
I don't temper my words with political correctness and worldly thoughts.

Thank you.
I rejoice in your feelings of me being a horse's backside and a jerk.
That just means that I'm not one you respect because I've seen who you respect and "he" does not love Christ. For some reason you think I'm resentful of "him" who does not love Christ.

That's warped thinking, Poly.

Nathon Detroit

Tye, I have no idea why you are acting this way already. :confused:

Do you realize what happens on TOL day in and day out??? We smack the truth!

Oh, and lets keep it real, you weren't banned for "acting". You were banned for acting like a 3 year old.

And sadly, you are doing it again. :(

Tye Porter

New member
oh man..

oh man..

Knight said:
Tye, I have no idea why you are acting this way already. :confused:

Do you realize what happens on TOL day in and day out???

Oh, and lets keep it real, you weren't banned for "acting". You were banned for acting like a 3 year old.

And sadly, you are doing it again. :(

Do you want to talk specifics here?
I was banned for saying that I was going to take all the vulgarities and anti-Biblical beliefs and give them to somebody who is respected by and a family of the one who was speaking these perversions.
It's called accountablility, Sir.
It was renamed stalking.
Homosexuality used to be called a sin, it's now renamed gay.

I'm acting like a three year old by speaking my mind, right?

I only responded to Crow and kept it out of her thread, as she asked, Sir.

In order not to act like a 3 year old and keep from being banned what is it you wish me to do?
Only speak of love and salvation and not to help my brothers and those I love to see the speck of dust in their eyes?
I don't tolerate and have any hatred of God in my life.
That plank have been plucked from my own eyes, Sir.

So I'll just sit here, self-control in hand, and hide my love and say, "God Loves You." to those who pretend to love Christ inorder to garnish respect and admiration from y'all.

Sir, I'm not "Acting like this already".
I've never stopped acting like this.
You and yours see it as bad.
Even though it brought evil to light, it's bad.

I'm sorry for that, Sir.
Tye Porter said:
I don't mind you thinking I'm a jerk, Poly.
You think it for all the right reasons.
I'm intolerant and unpolished.
I don't temper my words with political correctness and worldly thoughts.

Thank you.
I rejoice in your feelings of me being a horse's backside and a jerk.
That just means that I'm not one you respect because I've seen who you respect and "he" does not love Christ. For some reason you think I'm resentful of "him" who does not love Christ.

That's warped thinking, Poly.

call me crazy, but i've never really considered poly to be politically correct.


Mr. 5020 said:
"He" gave me good reps for this post. Amazing how tempted I was to reciprocate. What a businessman.

"You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."

- Zig Ziglar Secrets of Closing the Sale 1984

Nathon Detroit

Tye Porter said:
Do you want to talk specifics here?
I was banned for saying that I was going to take all the vulgarities and anti-Biblical beliefs and give them to somebody who is respected by and a family of the one who was speaking these perversions.
You are still delusional.

We talked on the phone and I told you exactly why you were being banned.

I am sorry, this was poor judgement on my part. :(

I should have left well enough alone.

You don't get it.... and you never will.
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