Ukraine Crisis


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What were your first thoughts when the news came out that the tyrannical despot Putin had sent forces to invade Ukraine? If you don't mind sharing them of course.
That he was an idiot, it's an impression which I can't shake to this day. I never thought he was an idiot until that day. And then it became clear. He's thinking about the world like a chess match, which is fine, except that he thinks his "pawns" are inanimate, he's absolutely oblivious to the value of human life, on both sides, not just his own troops. You don't sacrifice pawns for nothing in international relations chess. But besides all that, his stated reason for invading was because he feared the expansion of NATO. What an idiot. This invasion has therefore secured the one thing he was most afraid of! Finland, Sweden ... and then Ukraine! are all going to NATO now! He is such a monumental fool! I really can't believe that a man who looks so serious (and let's be honest, there isn't a man alive who just has a completely natural serious look to him like Putin does) can be so non-serious. I mean people make fun of us for electing and maybe even reelecting Trump? In a world with PUTIN? That guy is a TOOLBAG. A very low quality individual. Trump is ethically an emperor compared to Putin the pauper, the peasant, the lowest caste in India. It's not even close. Even if we do reelect former President Trump, this is no comparison to having Putin, not only as your head of state, but as your autocrat! We are protected from Trump by our Constitution. The Russians are defenseless against that flagrant moron.

Putin made a bad chess move in Ukraine. Really bad. Yuge.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That he was an idiot, it's an impression which I can't shake to this day. I never thought he was an idiot until that day. And then it became clear. He's thinking about the world like a chess match, which is fine, except that he thinks his "pawns" are inanimate, he's absolutely oblivious to the value of human life, on both sides, not just his own troops. You don't sacrifice pawns for nothing in international relations chess. But besides all that, his stated reason for invading was because he feared the expansion of NATO. What an idiot. This invasion has therefore secured the one thing he was most afraid of! Finland, Sweden ... and then Ukraine! are all going to NATO now! He is such a monumental fool! I really can't believe that a man who looks so serious (and let's be honest, there isn't a man alive who just has a completely natural serious look to him like Putin does) can be so non-serious. I mean people make fun of us for electing and maybe even reelecting Trump? In a world with PUTIN? That guy is a TOOLBAG. A very low quality individual. Trump is ethically an emperor compared to Putin the pauper, the peasant, the lowest caste in India. It's not even close. Even if we do reelect former President Trump, this is no comparison to having Putin, not only as your head of state, but as your autocrat! We are protected from Trump by our Constitution. The Russians are defenseless against that flagrant moron.

Putin made a bad chess move in Ukraine. Really bad. Yuge.
I'm with you on most of this. If he thought the invasion was going to result in the instability of NATO then that was indeed ill thought out at best. It was only going to result in the strengthening of resolve which we've seen. He doesn't care about any human life besides his own so sacrificing Russian people like canon fodder wouldn't bother him one iota. His ridiculous "reasoning" for wanting to de-Nazify a country with a Jewish president was also idiotic. Not to mention the utter state of disrepair in terms of military equipment and an army notorious for being disorganized. The whole thing has been an absolute debacle for him and his regime. In terms of chess it's the equivalent of putting one's queen on a square where it can be swiped from the board without consequence. Unfortunately, it's also resulted in appalling loss of life and untold misery for those caught up in it.

Russians certainly don't have any say with Putin being their president, just as they don't have a say in whatever tripe the state media foists on them. They're not even allowed to voice any sort of objection/opposition to the party line without being rounded up and lobbed in jail or worse. So on that level there's no comparison with Russia and America. Trump has the ethics and intelligence of a turnip and if he somehow did end up back in power it would be a travesty but still completely different to Russia.
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Have you ever encountered refugees from Ukraine and what they've been through?
You must have encountered thousands of Ukrainians in person when you went over there to show your love and concern for them by dying in the frontlines of your and Zelenskyy's pet war.


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This was Putin's war. Are you making excuses for him?
Wait....are not you and Zelenskyy warring against Putin? If you are, then it's your and Zelenskyy's war. If you are not, then why are you not?

You hate the Ukrainians so much that you sit safely and comfortably in the West making a dismal clown of yourself by pretending you care about them while letting them die on the battlefield as they are fighting your pet war. That makes you a scumbag.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wait....are not you and Zelenskyy warring against Putin? If you are, then it's your and Zelenskyy's war. If you are not, then why are you not?

You hate the Ukrainians so much that you sit safely and comfortably in the West making a dismal clown of yourself by pretending you care about them while letting them die on the battlefield as they are fighting your pet war. That makes you a scumbag.
You really are somewhat lemon aren't you? Putin invaded Ukraine, you understand that? He waged a completely atrocious attack on a country and its citizens that posed no threat so take your crap someplace else.


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You really are somewhat lemon aren't you? Putin invaded Ukraine, you understand that? He waged a completely atrocious attack on a country and its citizens that posed no threat so take your crap someplace else.
You're still alive, eh? Get back to us when you've finally stopped being the yapping hypocrite you are, and have begun putin your money where your mouth is by going to Zelenskyy's battlefield and dying as a human shield between Putin and the Ukrainians you pretend to care about.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're still alive, eh? Get back to us when you've finally stopped being the yapping hypocrite you are, and have begun putin your money where your mouth is by going to Zelenskyy's battlefield and dying as a human shield between Putin and the Ukrainians you pretend to care about.
So are you apparently. Must be real difficult being a Putin apologist.


Well-known member
Wait....are not you and Zelenskyy warring against Putin? If you are, then it's your and Zelenskyy's war. If you are not, then why are you not?

You hate the Ukrainians so much that you sit safely and comfortably in the West making a dismal clown of yourself by pretending you care about them while letting them die on the battlefield as they are fighting your pet war. That makes you a scumbag.
Isn't that what is called "talking out of both sides of your mouth" ?
First you are siding with Putin, then you chide those not physically going to fight against him.


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Have you ever encountered refugees from Ukraine and what they've been through?
Why are they refugees from Ukraine? Don't they love their country and care about/share solidarity with their fellow Ukrainians at least as much you leftard hypocrites pretend you care about them? Obviously, they feel that the Ukraine is not worth sticking around to risk their necks fighting for, just like you feel that the Ukraine is not worth traveling to to risk your neck fighting for in your and Volodymyr's pet war. Perhaps they flee from your hero Zelenskyy, considering him a scoundrel and tyrant who does not have their interests in mind?


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Isn't that what is called "talking out of both sides of your mouth" ?
First you are siding with Putin, then you chide those not physically going to fight against him.
Am I siding with Putin? How so? As far as I'm concerned, both Putin and Zelenskyy could drown in the Black Sea and it won't bother me an iota. I'm chiding self-righteous, hypocritical cowards like you and @Arthur Brain, who wish to be thought of as siding with Zelenskyy despite the fact that you refuse to go and volunteer to risk your pencil necks fighting in his service in the battlefields of the Ukraine. Please tell us exactly of what your pretended siding with Zelenskyy consists, beyond your empty, worthless-to-Zelenskyy talking.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Am I siding with Putin? How so? As far as I'm concerned, both Putin and Zelenskyy could drown in the Black Sea and it won't bother me an iota. I'm chiding self-righteous, hypocritical cowards like you and @Arthur Brain, who wish to be thought of as siding with Zelenskyy despite the fact that you refuse to go and volunteer to risk your pencil necks fighting in his service in the battlefields of the Ukraine. Please tell us exactly of what your pretended siding with Zelenskyy consists, beyond your empty, worthless-to-Zelenskyy talking.
Careful 7! You'll get labeled as unloving and unkind! 😅😅😅


Well-known member
Am I siding with Putin? How so? As far as I'm concerned, both Putin and Zelenskyy could drown in the Black Sea and it won't bother me an iota. I'm chiding self-righteous, hypocritical cowards like you and @Arthur Brain, who wish to be thought of as siding with Zelenskyy despite the fact that you refuse to go and volunteer to risk your pencil necks fighting in his service in the battlefields of the Ukraine. Please tell us exactly of what your pretended siding with Zelenskyy consists, beyond your empty, worthless-to-Zelenskyy talking.
I guess you just like to stir up trouble.
You are not for or against anything, but enjoy the turmoil you create.


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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why are they refugees from Ukraine? Don't they love their country and care about/share solidarity with their fellow Ukrainians at least as much you leftard hypocrites pretend you care about them? Obviously, they feel that the Ukraine is not worth sticking around to risk their necks fighting for, just like you feel that the Ukraine is not worth traveling to to risk your neck fighting for in your and Volodymyr's pet war. Perhaps they flee from your hero Zelenskyy, considering him a scoundrel and tyrant who does not have their interests in mind?
Hmm, well let's see. Probably because they've had to flee from a country where one minute people have been living their everyday lives like most of the rest of us do and the next they're having their cities bombed to bits. Most of the refugees are women and children and you (like usual) display your ignorance as though it's a badge of honour. None of the Ukrainian women I've met in my home town wanted to up sticks and leave their homeland and if you actually had anything resembling a shred of humanity and compassion you'd be moved by their plight instead of coming up with the usual garbage of how anyone who's against an invasion should (and can somehow) just go off and fight in a war. You sure haven't been near one so for once - if at all possible - grow up and stop acting like some nauseating adolescent.