Recent content by MWinther

  1. MWinther

    On the omniscience of God

    If God is omniscient, he can foresee what will happen in the future. But then he cannot intervene in Creation and change anything in the future, because then his foreseeing was false. So omniscience means that God's hands are tied, which is self-contradictory. Isn't it?
  2. MWinther

    Review of Brad S. Gregory: "The Unintended Reformation - How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society" (2012)

    We cannot find an answer to the Life Questions in a Western culture infested with hyperpluralism, relativism and godlessness. How did it come to this? Gregory sums up the argument of the book thusly: The author rejects supersessionism, the view that we can account for today's world by largely...
  3. MWinther

    The Book of Revelation: Mystery Or Profitable?

    What John of Patmos does is to knit together themes from the Old Testament, such as the four colour horses, clearly deriving from Zechariah 6. The description of the beast is from Daniel. John paints an image inspired by earlier prophets and biblical catastrophic events, for now the time is...
  4. MWinther

    "Sinless Perfection" before God.

    It is true, we must try and understand the biblical concepts in modern terms, because the words are used differently in the bible. 'Perfect', I suppose, means 'complete' and 'whole', i.e., a person who is not conflicted but harmonious. Modern people tend to use the word in another sense, e.g...
  5. MWinther

    What is the unity of the Trinity?

    I don't claim to understand the nature of God. This is a contribution to Christian apologetics. The dogma of the Trinity is constantly under attack for being contrary to reason. I show that it accords with reason.
  6. MWinther

    What is the unity of the Trinity?

    I think I've figured it out: “Turtles all the way down”: The Unity of the Trinity as Eternal Regress in the Godhead