
I love the Lord. Im a dude. Some people believe me to be a female for some reason.

Jul 23, 1991 (Age: 32)
Greenwood, AR
Religious Affiliation
Protestant Christian
Political Spectrum
Right Winger
Slogan or motto
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel.


"God foreknows nothing by contingency, but that he foresees, purposes, and does all things according to his immutable, eternal and infallible will. By this thunderbolt, "free will" is thrown prostrate and utterly dashed to pieces. Those therefore, who would assert "free will," must either deny this thunderbolt, or pretend not to see it, or push it from them." -Martin Luther

"The Church has surrendered her once lofty concept of God and has substituted for it one so low, so ignoble, as to be utterly unworthy of thinking, worshiping men. This she has not done deliberately, but little by little and without her knowledge; and her very unawareness only makes her situation all the more tragic." -A.W. Tozer

"He that has doctrinal knowledge and speculation only, without affection, never is engaged in the business of religion." -Jonathan Edwards