Recent content by Stripe

  1. Stripe

    Trump News

    It's contagious. They're developing a vaccine. Contains lead.
  2. Stripe

    Trump News

    Sorry, I've been away. Someone shot my ear off.
  3. Stripe

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Sorry. I was inconvenienced. I died of birdflu. Back now. Everyone is descended from Abraham, just as everyone is descended from anyone who lived long enough ago (and had kids). "Long enough" is probably about 1,500 years. It would be an interesting math study. There would be outliers, but...
  4. Stripe

    Good fences make good neighbors

    I doubt it. It looks like you have not understood the thought experiment. Or perhaps I have not explained it properly.
  5. Stripe

    Good fences make good neighbors

    OK. I meant "citizen."
  6. Stripe

    Good fences make good neighbors

    There's no such thing as a Christian culture.
  7. Stripe

    Good fences make good neighbors

    Sure. But this isn't about them.
  8. Stripe

    Good fences make good neighbors

    That would have been "the citizenry," but I'm not sure what the difference would be from the wording I used.
  9. Stripe

    Time doesn't exist.

    It's an intangible noun — it exists, but only as a concept.
  10. Stripe

    The Election was Stolen - PERIOD!

    Wait. There are still conspiracy theorists out there who believe that the 2020 US presidential election was not stolen?
  11. Stripe

    Good fences make good neighbors

    A thought experiment: What would a nation's laws for its citizens have to look like to justify a policy of legal immigration for anyone who turned up at its borders? Said another way: How strict would the law for citizens have to be to deal with open borders?
  12. Stripe

    Time doesn't exist.

    Attempting to tie the nature of time to a theological outlook seems like a painful exercise with no obvious benefits.
  13. Stripe

    Time doesn't exist.

    I just answered that.
  14. Stripe

    Time doesn't exist.

    It's like asking "can God exist without life?" Time is a measure of the separation between events. God has always been alive, therefore there has always been time.