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  1. honestal

    Marital Excellent Article

    I'm sorry ok doser, but you're VERY mixed-up if think an abusive husband and his abused wife are one flesh. :eek: You're greatly misapplying Scripture. Example: God said, "You are a holy people." {Deuteronomy 7:6} When those people turned their back on God and started behaving like the...
  2. honestal

    Marital Excellent Article

    It really troubles me that so many Christian men insist that a woman has to stay in an abusive marriage. And no--my son blowing farts :eek: isn't grounds for my daughter-in-law leaving. But hitting her most certainly would be!!! No woman has to tolerate being hit, being threatened, or being...
  3. honestal

    Marital Excellent Article

    Hi ok (nice to meet you), I'm sure you're well aware that there are many different denominations, with many different beliefs, yet all claiming their beliefs are based on the Bible. Surely they can't all be right. Which of course means someone's understanding of what the Bible teaches has to be...
  4. honestal

    Marital Excellent Article

    At the risk of starting off with a very controversial post :unsure:: Although I believe very much in living by, and believing, every word of God... There are times when common sense, or my heart :rolleyes:, tells me that the common understanding of what God's word teaches just can't be right...