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    No blood needed

    Micah told the people that God's demands are clear and simple: “He has told thee, man, what is good, and what God requires of thee: only to do justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with thy God” (Micah 6:8 You disagree, take it with God who used ONLY.
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    Sin or blessing

    Did the killers of Jesus committed sin by killing him? Or they just fellow God’s command?
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    Just wondering, why The almighty God must come down and be a man, hide from his creation, get arrested , spat on, kicked around and hanged on tree so he will be able to save these creations from himself?? Was no other alternative? He is the maker of us. He can fix us when he is right there in...
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    Sacrifices not needed

    Micah told the people that God's demands are clear and simple: “He has told thee, man, what is good, and what God requires of thee: only to do justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with thy God” (Micah 6:8 Beautiful and simple verses from a just God.
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    I and millions like me were told the reason Jesus died was to correct what Adam did when he disobeyed God and cause the separation between us and God. If you believe this man made theory you’ll think Jesus will mention Adam at least once in his 33 years on earth, did he? Never Jesus almost...
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    Where does this idea of God, son of God or any man must die for us to be save originate ? Did God command or requested? Did the prophets were aware of it? Did Jesus preach it?
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    We all agree Jesus was 100% man who depend on his God on all of his doing and saying. Q: at what time Jesus was 100% God who depend not on his God to do and say anything ? Ps: remember Jesus said: All authorities on earth and heaven are giving to me. So you may look at other planet!