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God has a good reason to annoy Bob

God has a good reason to annoy Bob

Starting at 54 mins and 50 seconds into the show, Bob comments that geography is interesting – and then asks which state is closest to Africa. He gives the answer as Maine. Maybe his understanding of distances and directions has improved since his faux pas in erroneously ridiculing the direction of the Moslem prayer rug in his Nov 16, 2001 show.

Almost at the end of the show (just before the 59 minute mark), Bob says:
Think about whales and how difficult whales make it for evolutionists, because mammals – right - fish breath through their gills - they breath water - and mammals breathe oxygen – and whales live in the sea and they breathe oxygen, they are mammals. Isn’t that funny? God did that just to make evolutionists – just to annoy them – that’s why God did that - just to annoy them – and that’s a good reason.
The problem Bob alludes to of an oxygen-breathing mammal living in the ocean like a fish was a challenge for evolution. Over 300 year ago this question was considered, long before Darwin came on the scene. Darwin himself guessed at how whales might have evolved from land animals. Evolutionists now know Darwin’s specific guess of the ancestry of the whales was wrong (he guessed they descended from ancient bears), but there are a number of independent lines of evidence to show that indeed whales did descend from a land animal.

Contrary to Bob’s characterization of the evolution of mammalian whales as being a divine annoyance, instead it has been a fascinating (and on-going) study in evolution, one which has provided another evidence that evolution is true. The religionists now are the ones who should be annoyed, at the accumulating evidence that show whales did evolve. (That’s a good reason too.)
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