A Pastoral Millennium


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When Jesus Christ returns, He will destroy the destroyers of the earth (Revelation 11:18c), and make ravaged parts of the earth like the Garden of Eden (Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 36:35).

Artificial global-warming, pollution, and resource depletion are all problems created by a technology-based civilization as opposed to one based on agriculture and handicrafts, like at Jesus Christ's first coming. He could take us back to that, at His return, so that we will not spend our days staring down into our smartphones, and at computer screens in dreary cubicles in high-rise office towers. Instead, we will go back to farming and ranching (Isaiah 30:23-25), and sleeping in the woods on warm summer nights (Ezekiel 34:25).

We will never go hungry, because the returned Jesus Christ will give us a staple crop, a "plant of renown", to grow in our fields and end hunger (Ezekiel 34:29).

There will be no unemployment, because there will be no technological machines taking jobs away from people. Instead of a diesel-powered tractor doing the work of 1,000 people in a field, we will go back to hand-plowing with horses and oxen, and hand-harvesting with scythes and songs. Instead of a huge, electric-powered, factory loom-machine doing the work of 1,000 people, we will go back to foot and hand-powered looms, and cloth-makers working at their own pace in their own homes.

Instead of millions of people living in stinking hovels in inner cities infested with cockroaches, drugs, and crime, everyone will get their own parcel of land out in the countryside to live on, and to work on, growing their own food, making their own handicrafts, trading at the village market for all that they need.

Instead of everyone stuck at night in front of glowing blue screens watching froth or filth, with no one talking to each other, they will actually get to talk to each other at night, and read the Bible out loud, and sing hymns and tell stories in front of the fire until bedtime.

Instead of all of the cancer-causing chemicals in plastics, pesticides, and car exhaust, and all of the constant electromagnetic radiation from cell phone towers, radio-broadcast towers, TV-broadcast towers, and electric power lines, whether strung overhead or buried right beneath our feet, we will go back to making everything that we need from natural wood, clay, and glass, and building birdhouses in the fields to attract the birds to eat the bugs, and using olive oil for lamps, and wax candles for light at night. And anything that electric machines and combustion engines do for us now, we will do for ourselves with our own two hands and feet. The exercise will do us good, and will end the epidemics of obesity and anxiety.

Instead of all of the diabetes, heart-attack, and cancer-causing processed foods laden with bleached flour, sugar, hydrogenated fats, trans fats, growth hormones, antibiotics, monosodium glutamate, "BHT added to packaging to preserve freshness", and sodium benzoate poisoning us to our very cores, we will go back to eating food the way that God intended for us to eat it: fresh and hearty right from the garden, field, and farm, completely natural, and free of all added chemicals.

Instead of cramming 10,000 chickens into a little automated feeding shed so dimly lit that they can barely see anything, and have no room to move around freely; and instead of cramming cattle into huge barns packed with tiny, foul-smelling stalls filled with their own excrement, they will actually get set free to walk across fields of grass and lay down under the sunny sky; and the chickens will be running freely all over the place, constantly and happily pecking at the slightest specks upon the ground.

Instead of our rushing all over the place stressed out all of the time and working as wage slaves longer and longer hours for less and less real wages, we will live much slower and less stressful lives, working at manual jobs in our own homes and farms at our own pace, growing crops, milking cattle, collecting eggs, cutting firewood, boiling clothes, sweeping the house, making furniture, and cloth, and horseshoes, and preserves, and grape juice and wine, resting whenever we please, taking our time with everything, stopping to chat, or nap, or just talk a walk through the woods beside a flowing stream (cf. Isaiah 30:25).

We will live at the pace that God intended for us to live, and we will sleep soundly every night without any worries or fears, for we will have everything that we need, and we will be completely safe (Micah 4:4).

And how the environment will groan a sigh of relief. Over time, it will be able to restore itself naturally to its original purity and splendor.