Theology Club: Are Acts 2 postion Dispensational ??


Well-known member
Hi to all , and at one time , I held to an Acts 2 position as to when the Body of Christ began !!

Why I held to this position , How could my Pastor be WRONG ??

So , it was a surprise to see him , change from Acts 2 to Mid-Acts , and then began my journey .

These are the following reason , that the Acts 2 position and the Begining of the Body of Christ is NOT correct !!

#1 , The message in Acts 2 is Prophecy , Acts 2:16 !!

#2 , The Acts 2 position begins on a Jewish Feast Day !!

#3 , So , because it is Prophecy , it can NOT be called the Mystery as Paul describes his Gospel , the Revelation of the Mystery , in Rom 16:25 !!

#4 , The Acts 2 position does NOT begin with Paul , so it can be called a Dispensation !!

#5 , The Acts 2 position is NOT a new Man as Eph 2:15 reveals !!

#6 , The Acts 9 , 11 , 13 and 28 begin it with Paul !!

#7 , The Dispensation of the Mystery , all believers are " in Christ " .

#8 , The Body of Christ is now SEATED in the Heavenlies , Eph 1:3 !!

#9 , Israel is promised and earthly Kingdom and they are promised to be Kings and Priests in the Millennium , Rev 1:6 !!

dan p
dan p


Well-known member
Hi to all , and at one time , I held to an Acts 2 position as to when the Body of Christ began !!

Why I held to this position , How could my Pastor be WRONG ??

So , it was a surprise to see him , change from Acts 2 to Mid-Acts , and then began my journey .

These are the following reason , that the Acts 2 position and the Begining of the Body of Christ is NOT correct !!

#1 , The message in Acts 2 is Prophecy , Acts 2:16 !!

#2 , The Acts 2 position begins on a Jewish Feast Day !!

#3 , So , because it is Prophecy , it can NOT be called the Mystery as Paul describes his Gospel , the Revelation of the Mystery , in Rom 16:25 !!

#4 , The Acts 2 position does NOT begin with Paul , so it can be called a Dispensation !!

#5 , The Acts 2 position is NOT a new Man as Eph 2:15 reveals !!

#6 , The Acts 9 , 11 , 13 and 28 begin it with Paul !!

#7 , The Dispensation of the Mystery , all believers are " in Christ " .

#8 , The Body of Christ is now SEATED in the Heavenlies , Eph 1:3 !!

#9 , Israel is promised and earthly Kingdom and they are promised to be Kings and Priests in the Millennium , Rev 1:6 !!

dan p
dan p

Hi , and has anyone ever noticted what Acts 2 , so called dispensationaist believe and Covenant theology believe ??

Acts 2-------------------------------------------RCC

#1 , Believe in Visions---------------------------------Believe in Visions

#2 , Believe in Baptism---------------------Believe in Baptism

#3 , Believe in Tongues--------------------Believe in Tongues

#4 , Believe in One Gospel ---------------Believe in One Gospel

#5 , Believe in One Church----------------Believe in One Church

#6 , Jews & Gentiles are the same -------Israel & Gentiles the same

#7 , There is Only one FAITH--------------There is ONLY one FAITH

Are Acts 2 and Covenant theology closet RCC ??

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