BATTLE TALK ~ Battle Royale V - Paul DeYonghe vs. famousGandalf7

BATTLE TALK ~ Battle Royale V - Paul DeYonghe vs. famousGandalf7

  • Paul DeYonghe

    Votes: 35 89.7%
  • famousGandalf7

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters
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Dee Dee Warren

Ah ah.... and Knight said that the Preterist Posse was obnoxious.... hmmm......


New member
I doubt Dee Dee was disputing the fact, she was just saying that she wishes to emulate the Mr. T posse.

Or the Not-So-A-Team.

Brother Vinny

Active member
Originally posted by Revelation717
The thing that scares me most is that there is a place that actually has all these Mr. T images! :doh: . . .

Besides the fact you guys found them! :eek:


You can't spell "InTerneT" without the "T," foo!



New member
Want even worse news?

The T'inator!!!!

Click here, enter in a URL, and find Mr. T-isms, quips, images, and .wavs inserted throughout the webpage.

Paul, if you haven't discovered it already (and I pity the foo' who hasn't), you'll love it.

And what would "TOL" be without the "T"?

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Brother Vinny

Active member
Originally posted by Huldrych
Want even worse news?

The T'inator!!!!

Click here, enter in a URL, and find Mr. T-isms, quips, images, and .wavs inserted throughout the webpage.

Paul, if you haven't discovered it already (and I pity the foo' who hasn't), you'll love it.


Thanks. By the by, what happened to the guitar-playin' dude that was your avatar? He looked like a cool guy to hang out with!


New member
From the press box...

From the press box...

Originally posted by Paul DeYonghe

Thanks. By the by, what happened to the guitar-playin' dude that was your avatar? He looked like a cool guy to hang out with!

That was none other than me, when I wore my hair long and sported a goatee. My current assembly doesn't care for that, so I keep it short, but still have problems shaving every so often (especially when I'm in Fairbanks for a week).

The guitar still looks the same, though.

I changed the avatar to fit the handle.

Now, live from the pressbox!

Seems to me that we've got a little more meat on both sides this time. However, it looks like Paul's the more informed combatant, pounding away at fG7 with a loaded magazine of quotes.

Which leads us to the question: is it the truth that wins a debate, or how you present your argument?



Brother Vinny

Active member
Seems to me that we've got a little more meat on both sides this time. However, it looks like Paul's the more informed combatant, pounding away at fG7 with a loaded magazine of quotes.

Which leads us to the question: is it the truth that wins a debate, or how you present your argument?

Man, I hope it's the truth. If my argument is predicated on a lie, I threw out a whole slew of Word-Faith booklets and books for nothing.



If you add a "T" to can you get can't! And you can't spell pity or without or the widoau da "T"


New member
Round 2 has come to an end. Things are looking bleak for fG7 (aka Monty burns). It appears that our hero (aka Mr T) has offended fG7's fortitude. Our hero has already tossed out one of the heretics (the one with no testicular fortitude) and fG7 has hid "in a closet" somewhere. Will our hero have already won the battle? Or will "Monty" come "out of the closet" and reveal his fortitude to the rest of us?

Stay Tuned....

Brother Vinny

Active member
Originally posted by Sheepdog
Round 2 has come to an end. Things are looking bleak for fG7 (aka Monty burns). It appears that our hero (aka Mr T) has offended fG7's fortitude. Our hero has already tossed out one of the heretics (the one with no testicular fortitude) and fG7 has hid "in a closet" somewhere. Will our hero have already won the battle? Or will "Monty" come "out of the closet" and reveal his fortitude to the rest of us?

Stay Tuned....

This. . . . shall be my nomination for Post of the Day!


New member
Give me a Tau!

Give me a Tau!

And you can'T spell Tes... whoops, I almost said iT.

Don'T menTion The sTones!

I'd say "Hoden," buT few here would undersTand ThaT, plus, iT's goT no "T" in iT.

JusT Teasing, breThren...



New member
No boasting, just facts?

No boasting, just facts?

I just read four pages of pure drivel...

but nothing as boring as this:

"famous" Galdolf 7:

(clarification in blue by rapt)

I believe we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, (of false doctrine in the church)and that there is coming a great civil war within the Body of Christ...
I also belive that the unveiling of mysteries in these last few (50 or so) years has begun this civil war. I believe that God is restoring the ministry of the Apostle. I sat under one of the best, Dr. Tim Sheets, at Living Word Church, Middletown, Ohio. I believe that He is also restoring the Prophet's ministry to the church. I am called to that office, and pray that I am chosen. God often uses me in the ministry, and if there had never been a Kenneth Copeland Ministries, I would not be a Spirit-filled believer. I have received the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I am also called to the ministry, and am sometimes used in the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit. I do not say any of these things to brag, but to state the facts.

Oh, so we're dealing with one of God's "called" APOSTLES and ministers here, are we?

Oh, so if there was no Kenneth Copeland ministries, fG7 wouldn't be "spirit" filled, huh?

(No argument here on that point! I'm fully in agreement that Kenneth Copeland ministries ministers A spirit! But I vehemantly disagree that it's the HOLY Spirit! Kenneth Copeland blasphemes God with lies like "God was the greatest failure in the bible", and "Adam was God manifested in the flesh"!)

There most certainly wasn't any Kenneth Copeland ministries around when they got the REAL Holy Spirit in the book of Acts, and ever since until about twenty some years ago. Does fG7 think there was no way to receive God's Holy Spirit before the 1980's?

Talk about a "god"! He most certainly exalts Copeland to that status, doesn't he? And it sure doesn't sound like he esteems Copeland as any "little" god, either!

Oh, so fG7 said none of these things about himself to brag; he just stated the "facts", right?

Let the scriptures judge whether ANY of his claims are facts. There are MANY false apostles and deceitful workers who exalt themselves as the ministers of Christ, according to scripture (1Jn 1:18; 2Cor 11:3,4,13-15; Acts 20:29,20; Rom 16:17,18); MANY antichrists who profess to know God, yet deny Him by their works (Titus 1:16). Many take the wide way that leads to destruction(Matt 7:13,14). Many who exalt the doctrine of men above God's doctrine. Their end is destruction, and they glory in things they should be ashamed of. Their god is their belly: their own lusts. They have declared war on God and the Truth of God's Word, and heaped up teachers to scratch their itching ears, and refuse to endure sound doctrine (2Tim 4:3,4). They have turned their ears away from hearing the truth, and have been turned to FABLES.

The preposterly blasphemous Word of Faith leaders are indeed engaged in a "civil war" against scriptural Christianity. (Don't misuderstand. I'm not saying that the other denoms are following scripture either! They have their own various brands of heresy which they exalt above God's Truth. Many of them don't dare define what the gospel is for fear they might offend another denomonation. Unity is much more important to most churches today than is truth.. THis is why so few of them dare to expose the damnable heresies of WOF.) They fight God's Word tooth and nail while claiming to exalt it. This Trojan horse deceptively called "Word of Faith" is full of abominations: the list Paul de Yonghe gave in his first post is only a small sample of the garbage passing for God's Word among these covetous hypocrits claiming to speak for God.

I have two books that do a fine job of exposing the lies and blasphemies of the likes of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch, Jesse DuPlantis, Charles Capps, Morris Curello, Marylyn Hickey, Oral Roberts, and most all the celebs on TBN. It's just sad that Hank Hanegraaff, from the pot of Calvinism, correctly calls this corrupt WOF kettle black, while he himself teaches the darkness of Calvinism and it's hypocritical brand of OSAS! Looking beyond Hanegraaffs' Calvinistic lies, his book "Christianity in Crisis", being fitly named, describes in detail the sick spirit and false teachings with which the proponants of the false WOF "gospel" conduct their civil war against God's Truth. He also touches on the civil war that this brand of heresy and that of the (I call them) "charismaniacs" of the restoration movement propose against the Truth. These grandiosely-proud false apostes suppose themselves to be greater than Elijah, Paul, and even than Christ Himself!

There are many websites that do a good job of exposing WOF heresies. They correctly show that the apostles of this movement are the apostles of ANOTHER GOSPEL, NOT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT or the TRUTH.

I pray that God will use anyone who knows the truth to manifest the WOF movement as a lie of Satan, but I pray also that they themselves will live above reproach, and speak only as the Spirit gives utterance. To be using the slanderous word "fool" in jest only tends to lessen the seriousness of this debate, and the need to expose the ridiculous spirit of lightness taken toward heresy and blasphemy among WOF-ers. So does continually plastering the image of one exalting himself as "The Almighty" subtract from the graveness of the crisis within the church today.
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bill betzler

New member
Deut 18:
18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their
brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his
mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall
command him.
19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not
hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name,
I will require it of him.
20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word
in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak,
or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even
that prophet shall die.
21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the
word which the Lord hath not spoken?
22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if
the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the
thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet
hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be
afraid of him.

Let all of the prophets of today live by the laws of Deuteronomy if they are confident of their ministry.

Everyone loves the glory; but who will pay the price?


New member
Originally posted by bill betzler
Deut 18:
18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their
brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his
mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall
command him.
19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not
hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name,
I will require it of him.
20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word
in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak,
or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even
that prophet shall die.
21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the
word which the Lord hath not spoken?
22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if
the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the
thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet
hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be
afraid of him.

Let all of the prophets of today live by the laws of Deuteronomy if they are confident of their ministry.

Everyone loves the glory; but who will pay the price?

As I've stated before...

In the past, they would stone a false prophet;
Today, they are stoned already!


Originally posted by Sheepdog

As I've stated before...

In the past, they would stone a false prophet;
Today, they are stoned already!
All the big wigs get the ganjas! Dubya is prepping for his WoF prophet's license.


New member
AMEN, bill! If the part of about stoning every false prophet were in force today, we'd hear of far fewer making the empty boast that THEY are a prophet, wouldn't we?
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