Enyart Calls for Aid!


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Enyart Calls for Aid!

This is the show from Tuesday, March 8th, 2022


Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, you’re invited to come testify against “the Most Radical Abortion Bill in the Country” HB22-1279! This radical pro-abortion bill would codify abortion into Colorado law saying abortion is legal through all stages of gestation. This bill states that every pregnant mother has a “fundamental… right to an aboriton.” This is sickening.

Project 100, proposed by Will Duffy of Agape Kingdom Fellowship, looks to get 100 anti-abortion advocates to testify against the bill and drown out the pro-choice advocates, simply with sheer volume. Today, Dominic is inviting you to be one of those 100 and testify in defense of our unborn neighbors.

Click here to testify against HB22-1279!

The hearing will begin at 1:30 p.m. mountain time, and you can testify either in person at the Denver Capitol or online via Zoom. If you don’t live in Colorado, no worries! You can still testify! So far we have people testifying from California, Michigan, Montana, and even as far away as Puerto Rico! If you’re hoping to testify in person, we recommend arriving at the Denver Capitol around 1:00 p.m. where you’ll meet Dominic, Will, and other members of kgov.com + Agape Kingdom Fellowship.

When you sign up you'll want to click "By Sponsor and Bill."
Sponsor - Froelich
Meeting Date and Time - 03/09/2022 01:30 PM
Hearing Item - HB22-1279 (Reproductive Health Equity Act)

Trigger Warning: The signup form asks for your pronouns.

Note: This is nothing to be scared of! There are even several children, as young as thirteen willing to testify in support of the unborn. If you feel unequipped, and think you don’t know what to say, that’s not a problem! We’re willing to help write your testimony, or if needed, write your entire testimony for you. Hopefully you’ve picked up on this by now, but we’re trying to rob you of every excuse! ;)

To read the wicked abortion bill, click here. We recommend you read through this before testifying, so you have your wits about you!

Remember that we must do right… and risk the consequences! Godspeed.