Goldman-Sachs: Alex Jones view or David Duke's? Hard to choose


New member
Lets set aside the anti-Semitism of David Duke for a moment,
because we want to concede his huge transformation from post-WW2 neo-nazi / kkker,
to his new persona as "not a white supremist" but rather a "white equal rights" guy,
who remarkably has begun exonerating "the Jews" and even admiring them
for their tribal loyalty, while still maintaining some of the standard 'planks'
of anti-semite rhetoric, such as Holocaust revisionism and Jewish banksterism,
and hidden government.

Lets also set aside the over the top accusations against Alex Jones as "Jewish shill"
or govt mole in the 'Truther movement' or in the 9/11 Conspiracy camp.
Who knows: Maybe "they" don't kill Jones because he's too prominent,
or maybe because it serves them better to let him live freely unmolested for credibility purposes.
No doubt Jones' snake-oil sales help pay for his show, and
who knows? Maybe some wealthy Jews or corporations or government agencies
pay him as informant, infiltrator, or just use him to feed occasional disinformation to
the public (his followers).

The real point is, when the haggling is done, and the dust settles from the various skirmishes
and false-accusations and setups, what truth falls out embarrassingly into plain view?

This little video is amusing, informative, and enlightening, in spite of its inability
to actually tell us plainly what is really going on in the board rooms of international
corporations and banks.

Do the Uber-Powers cringe or laugh? Maybe that just depends upon what we can
glean out of all the facts, opinions, smoke and mirrors.



New member
Just to illustrate the strange changes in the KKK movement in the USA,
here is David Duke actually dismissing the Arthur Koestler theory
that "the Jews" are really imposter Khazars and the real "Jews" are somewhere else...
and adopting the mainstream Jewish position that
the Jews really are indeed the biological hereditary remnant of the ancient tribes of Israel,
what what thats worth.


New member
Just to illustrate the strange changes in the KKK movement in the USA,
here is David Duke actually dismissing the Arthur Koestler theory
that "the Jews" are really imposter Khazars and the real "Jews" are somewhere else...
and adopting the mainstream Jewish position that
the Jews really are indeed the biological hereditary remnant of the ancient tribes of Israel,
what what thats worth.

Nazaroo , It's been too long. How are you brother ? This a bit off topic, but I saw Goldman Sachs......We both know our system of economics is evil. Specific to U.S. economics it is an absolute Ponzi-Scheme. And being the Dollar is the currently the global currency, makes the whole pie rotten. We will have to wait until Oct. 21, 2015 to see if the World Bank approves the Chinese Yuan as a new global currency to compete with the dollar. And so far well over a hundred Nations ( including the wealthiest ) , have signed on.

The editorial called for a "a new world order" in which "all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing.".....
Now note the wording in Scripture:
And he causeth all ( not forced ) ,, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:16,17,18

Perhaps not right away will Revelation take place. But we will certainly know soon enough.


New member

They will not Throw their Gold and Silver in the Streets until the last days.


Nazaroo , It's been too long. How are you brother ? This a bit off topic, but I saw Goldman Sachs......We both know our system of economics is evil. Specific to U.S. economics it is an absolute Ponzi-Scheme. And being the Dollar is the currently the global currency, makes the whole pie rotten. We will have to wait until Oct. 21, 2015 to see if the World Bank approves the Chinese Yuan as a new global currency to compete with the dollar. And so far well over a hundred Nations ( including the wealthiest ) , have signed on.

The editorial called for a "a new world order" in which "all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing.".....
Now note the wording in Scripture:
And he causeth all ( not forced ) ,, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:16,17,18

Perhaps not right away will Revelation take place. But we will certainly know soon enough.
Talk about capitalism's love of mammon and political power makes me believe that the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street are closer to each other than either side would admit.

Trump is gaining ground by reflecting the powerlessness and anger most of us are in touch with these days.


New member
Regarding the thread title - - I'll take False Choice for $100, Alex.

You're not mocking hard enough.

Change your name to "Handbuzzering You".
