Image of God #1

Ted L Glines

New member
Once upon a time, there was a nerdy cave-person or tree-dweller who said to himself, "Geez, I know there is more to me than this body with big flat feet and a mouth that yells at everything. I am somehow standing apart from this clumsy body; like I am riding it or something." Thus, our slightly geeky ancestor began to recognize that a consciousness existed which was somehow seperate from the body. Being a slow thinker, it would be countless milleniums before this consciousness-concept solidified into a label. But, in the fullness of time, the label became Soul (or Spirit if you like). It could have been called Potrezeibie, but it became Soul instead, and it surely opened up a gruesome can of worms, for the dreaded germ of religion sprouted on that very same day. And a virulent germ it was, indeed, which would spread like a plague in the land, sowing havoc and abuse as it promoted "love" on the point of a sword. All this because one nerdy Native Earthian had an IQ higher than seven. Bad timing; prefrontal lobotomy had not yet been invented.