Islamic Brainwashing of American Children


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Islamic groups all over North America are taking over school curriculums
and brainwashing children of unwary parents.

Your own children are being turned against you and Western values such as Christianity, a
and being raised anti-government to a degree never before seen.

Then there are garden variety Muslims bent on advancing Sharia law in our schools who also wield enormous power. Take, for instance, Fethullah Gulen. Gulen is a Muslim committed to the advancement of the Islamic state. He has called for the destruction of the United States and all infidels. And he has set up a network of publically-funded charter schools.
Factor in political leadership that is clueless (at best) or willfully collaborating with the enemy (at worst) along with an electorate that has been marinating in politically-correct-multicultural-moral-equivalence “thinking,” and you’ve got a powerful force mangling the minds of our youth.
I wish I could call what is going on a battle. Or a war. But I can’t. Because thus far America has hardly put up a fight. And so, Islam advances. Marching through the halls of our schools.
To get a taste of what’s going on, please take the abbreviated tour below. (See here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). The following all have taken place at one or more schools:

  • Students are taught the five pillars of Islam.
  • Students recite “all people must submit to Allah,” “there is no God but Allah,” and “Allah is great,” among other Muslim prayers. Sometimes students recite these words in Arabic. Students also recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic, saying: “One nation under Allah.”
  • Lesson plans promote Sharia law, polygamy, and burqas.
  • Classes unrelated to history or religion often morph into Islamic propaganda.
  • A Saudi-funded 3-week program on Islam has students living as Muslims, during which time, among other things, they recite Muslim prayers and chants and are prohibited from wearing a cross or saying the name “Jesus.”
  • Students are taught that Muslims worship the same God as Christians and Jews.
  • Students must write about how, if they were a travel agent, they would create a travel package promoting the Golden Age of Islam.
  • Textbooks include the Muslim call to prayer, whitewash Islam, denigrate Christians and Jews, and describe Muhammad as a wise spiritual leader; a gentle merchant with a strong moral compass; and a man who was deeply concerned about the mistreatment of others.
  • Student field trips bring them to mosques where students are given Korans, kneel down and pray to Allah, and are told that Muslims treat those they conquer better than minorities are treated in the United States. One field trip was to the mosque the Tsarnaev brothers attended, where non-Muslim boys joined adult males in prayer and girls were told Islam is pro-woman (among other egregious things).
  • A curriculum used a video that framed non-Muslims as bigots and enforced blasphemy laws.
  • Lessons teach more about Islam than any other faith.
  • Students must write essays about what it would be like to travel to Mecca.
  • Fill-in-the-blank assignments include answers that read: “Islam, at heart, is a peaceful religion” and “Most Muslims faith is stronger than the average Christian,” among other lies.
  • Korans are introduced into the classroom.
  • Muslim clerics, members of CAIR, and representatives from Islamic centers come into classrooms to observe and/or lecture.
  • Female students wear burqas as part of a lesson on Islam.
  • Lessons teach that terrorists must be called freedom fighters.
  • Students are required to study Arabic.
  • A teacher is forced to resign after making critical statements about Obama and Islam on a talk radio program. CAIR accuses a teacher of being a “racist” because she drew an analogy between the Taliban and Hamas during lessons on bullying. Christian teachers are harassed by Muslims in the school hierarchy.
  • Muslim students are given special privileges that students of other faiths are not afforded, including several times during the school day when they are allowed to leave the classroom to pray.
  • Muslim holidays are added to school calendars.
The list above is by no means exhaustive, but you get the idea. Needless to say, everything that is being taught is the taqiyya version. Would that it were the truth, we could take heart that our children were learning about an enemy intent on cutting their lives short. Instead, brainwashing is taking place that will help the enemy advance with even less resistance than it currently faces. (And it faces precious little.)
In many situations parents were kept in the dark about the Islamic propaganda being peddled in their children’s schools and only learned about it after seeing something on their child’s homework assignment.
In some cases, after parents found out about what was being taught, they challenged the school and/or pulled their children out of school. Some have pursued legal action and there have been some victories because parents became informed, took action, and fought back.
On the flip side, many parents appear unaware, unconcerned, or even supportive of this dangerous assault – otherwise known as “soft jihad” – against the minds of our young people. In addition, in many cases power brokers in the school system have stood behind the twisted ways Islam is impacting the education of our youth.
