Jayland Walker did a dumb

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Donut Operator is one of the more reliable sources of these kinds of breakdowns of these kinds of events. He also brings an element of humor to it, black humor to be sure. (that's racist 😁 )

Caution language


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Worth noting that one aspect of my white privilege is that I was taught not to lead the police on a high-speed chase. I was taught not to carry an unregistered firearm. I was taught not to fire out the window of my car at the police. I was taught not to run from the police. I was taught not to turn threateningly towards the police after having done all of those other things that I was taught not to do.

How I wish that the conversation that is ensuing today had more to do with the question of why Jayland was not taught those lessons at a young age.
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