JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 9/24-9/26/2021


Well-known member
It is in the about
Doing what is right
And in the getting
Vaccinated and that
It should not be
About in that over
In politics but about
In the right from wrong
And in that over in the
Health and safety there.


Well-known member
Praying that the Lord
Will in the trying to
Get on those in the
Need to vaccinate and
How in the need
To be in the hoping
To get on that over
With in the protecting themselves
And in others there
Around on them there.


Well-known member
That over in the
Risking on not given
The vaccine and in the
Hurting around not
Just on themselves but
Others around them for
Those vaccinated but die
Due to having loved ones
In particular not vaccinated