Leftists: Pure Hate and Evil


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Well, there's extremists on the left of the political aisle and hardly any better than the far right in terms of fanaticism and warped "thinking" but it hardly equates to anyone being 'liberal' or 'left' on the political spectrum overall as being guilty of the hyperbole in this. The lack of critical thinking and ability to differentiate between extremes seems all too prevalent with those on the fringes unfortunately. Either that or it's a deliberately dishonest "tactic" to besmirch anyone who happens to be of a different political opinion and that's no better.
For purposes of distinguishing between God-fearing patriotic Americans and Americans who fear and worship the democrat party and all the evil it stands for why don't we just call them demons and not leftists?


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Well, your post certainly is and no excuse for it either. I would embrace Nazism as much as I would a cactus which is to say not at all. Having been a visitor to the Auschwitz museum - which remains and doubtless will remain the most sobering experience of my life - I despise everything about the regime and the indescribable atrocities perpetuated under it. I've no time for Marxism either and frankly, you're embarrassing yourself.
Radical leftist democrats are devoted to the party of fascist anti-Christian Marxism. That is why they despise God, good Americans, good policies, and right judgment.


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As a counterpoint to the hyperbole: "Leftists", "moderates", "conservatives" are not inherently pure hate and evil in and of a political leaning. Just to bring some rationality to the proceedings.
Constitutional rights and freedoms are good. Anti-Constitutional, anti-American, and anti-Christian policies are evil. People who serve and promote the good are generally good people. Those who promote and support the evil are generally evil people.


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Do you think Trump is a Nazi for supporting the jab?
Nazis in America support the Nazi Fascist Socialist Party and leftist officials who promote mandates requiring all 'comrade citizens' to take the dangerous and/or deadly government-prescribed jab.


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One example to address your "fact".

Do democrats support the persecution, incarceration and killing of homosexual people? Or is that one of the things the regime got "right"?
Muslims, like Muslim democrats and their supporters in Congress, support such atrocities as brutal persecution of homosexuals overseas and Trump supporters in America.


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Um, no they don't, not unless you're silly enough to think that you can bracket people based on politics and blanket their views. I don't support any sort of violent attack on folk who say homosexuality is bad, not at all in fact. I support your right to say it's evil incarnate if you like.

What's telling is that you actually side with one of the most evil regimes in history on one particular issue as if it scores you a point although ironically and almost hysterically it doesn't. No wonder that the Nazi regime is rightfully regarded as "far right".

I'm live and let live and oppose views that would infringe upon civil liberties and freedoms as you would seemingly have, but I still support your right to air them, go figure. Or don't.

"LOLLL"? Seriously? Are you 12?
What do brutal fascist regimes do to their citizens? They force them to obey nonsensical mandates, tax them and their businesses as though they owe the government all their money, force them to accept falsified election results, take away their guns and rights, outlaw free speech which conflicts with their propaganda, throw them into jail for disagreeing with their evil fascist policies, and so forth.
Jews are not immune to deception and evil. In fact, Jews are some of the most wicked servants of the devil on earth. George Soros, for example, is a Jew.

The reason so many American Jews are Democrats is very similar to why so many American Catholics are Democrats, and it is far, far too historic and complicated for User Name to ever be able to understand.

It has to do with immigration in the early 20th century, and the prejudices of the time, and the party positions at the time. There is no reason for them to be Democrats today. It is a cultural holdover.


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To see the sheer hate of a Leftist, one need ony look at someone who justifies the cold blooded murder of a young unarmed woman

and then defends one of the worst anti-Semitic hatemongers in America
Michael Brown was killed by a white cop he was assaulting and democrats from the street corner to the White House erupted in horror, demanding the cop be crucified. When a black officer shot and killed an unarmed woman who was being pushed around by an unruly crowd the democrats hid the name of the officer from the public and praised him for doing a fine job.

Democrat justice and judgment are perverted.


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  • The Nation of Islam (NOI), the largest Black nationalist organization in the U.S., has maintained a consistent record of antisemitism and bigotry since its founding in the 1930s.
  • During his 40-year tenure as the NOI’s leader, Louis Farrakhan has built a legacy of divisiveness as one of the most prominent antisemites in America. He has also espoused anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-white bigotry, as well as a range of conspiratorial beliefs.
  • Although the NOI’s official membership is relatively small — estimated at less than 50,000 people — the influence of Farrakhan and NOI teachings has regularly extended into the mainstream.
Is black national fascism not similar to German white national fascism, or Naziism?