Looking for 'God'

Saxon Hammer

New member
So this is my first blog and never having done such a thing as this before I have no clear picture of what to write.

So 'disclaimer' out of the way ........

I have been looking at a lot of online activity in a vast array of arenas ranging from the very obvious like Facebook, youtube etc. to open forums like Reddit and debating websites. I have joined a number of 'free' sites and engaged in heated discussions and suffered vast amounts of 'trolling' and 'unfriendly' behaviours.

However there are some who still have hope, who are warm and engaging, others who will fight for what they 'think' is right without 'rancor' and even more that still have open minds.

When I joined some 'philosophy club forums', I found that my lack of knowledge of the works of men 'dead and long past' was held aloft by my fellow 'users' and used to belittle and discredit my questions/responses. Often stating that the 'op must be naive or trolling' or some such dismissive comment.

So I am not really surprised at the reactions I have caused in my search for the 'spirit' I found in my 'soul' after the most dramatic and frightening events of my very eventful life.

A very young me remembers being told 'God is in you, and God is in me' at sunday school in some church I have long forgotten. However the face of the loving white haired lady and the warm teachings of the 'morals' of the bible, it was with little concern when these became my own.


God is an idea not a thing, not an entity that we could hope to understand as meer sparks of Gods that we are.

Our function is to ensure the future of God's creation, not to rape and pillage all that we can get away with and die without a shred of hope left to our 'souls'. After all you are born without possessions and you will lose all that you tried to keep a hold of when you die.

'From God we come, to God we go' - This life is to witness and engage in this the creation of God in the physical universe.

'This is the ministry of God, all around and within us.'

None are excluded nor is any obedience necessary for it is 'truth' for all.

All the best to you and yours, Sax