Looking for love in all the wrong places...


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We are born with the need for the love put into us by God, who made us for that very reason, to share His love with. He created a whole beautiful world and universe and everything in it as a gift to us for our pleasure and needs . He then breathed life into us and in His own image, put into us the desire to love and be loved.

Our whole lives are centered around this need we were born with . Even a newborn baby will start life needing a loving touch and to be surrounded by love to grow and thrive.

As we grow older, instead of relying on that need the way it was programmed, and filling with it with what God put the desire there for in the first place , we start looking for ways to fill it with substitutes.

If we aren't getting that need how we feel we should. This is where we get confused and start walking according to our own lusts and desires. We cant quite fill this hole left inside us, so we try more and more substitution to fill the ever increasing emptiness, while the emptiness grows larger and larger and we try harder and harder to fill it , untill we are throwing drops of water into a leaking bucket. No amount of substitution will work.

Some people use sex, money, power, drugs, drinking, unending bad relationships and brief affairs, one after another trying to fill our need that God placed inside us , to no avail .

Thats why so many people get to where they cant get enough of those things , because the hole in the bucket is getting larger and larger and we become even more unfulfilled while working ourselves into a frenzy, wondering why we aren't completely satisfied, no matter how many substitutes we try.

God loves us so much and He is always showing us how, so tender and merciful , so patient and loving, the perfect Father , allowing us the ability to choose our way or His way, but always waiting for us to call out to Him.

Because of sin, we have been separated from God. (Romans 3:23)

But there is good news:

In this complete and perfect love, after we broke His heart a million times over through disobedience and unthankfulness and lack of trust and self destruction and the destruction of others because of our sin (disobedience to God), He came Himself to show us How much He loves us .
He showed us how to be in complete love and fellowship with Him,(1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and even as we mocked and spat at Him, He died for us, shedding His sweet precious blood on the cross (Leviticus 17:11), as a sin payment for us ....laying down His life , the ultimate sacrifice of love. (Hebrews 9:22, Isaiah 53:12, Hebrews 9:12)

With that loving and tender sacrifice , the sin that separated us from God was removed , He paid the payment we owed (Romans 6:23) in full, then after 3 days was risen again to life, sin was defeated, swallowed once for all who believe in Him (complete trust in Him alone, not "good works" and received the payment that was made in full for all mankind.

Through the death and Resurrection of Christ all sin was removed and we can be reunited to God through Him (John 1:12, Romans 10:9-10)

You never have to be alone again , you never have to hurt inside wanting and wondering what will fill that empty desire that nothing else satisfies....Just call out to Christ , repent of your sins (repent = change of mind from your way to His way, trusting Him Ephesians 2:8-9) with an open heart , with a trusting heart (that He is the only way of salvation and He did it all (John 14:6) and tell Him that you want Him in your life (Romans 10:11), that you want to be reunited with Him for eternity. (Ephesians 2:19, Hebrews 7:25, 1 John 2:25, Ephesians 1:13) Once saved , you are reunited, born of God and sealed forever with His promise of eternal life

He will never leave you , nor forsake you.

Won't you come to Him today?