More filthy hands on the purported body and blood of Christ


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“Miqueli loved to enjoy $300 bottles of Scotch,” she wrote. “All on a priest’s $2,474-a-month salary.”
He's a 'poor priest' and makes more than I do.

Miqueli bought the white brick ranch house for $264,000 in embezzled cash in 2009, the lawsuit alleges.
The house features a hot tub in the back and a statue of the Virgin Mary out front.

Sounds like the Vatican.

patrick jane

Priests, ministers etc are human beings. Are you suggesting that your god demands more of them? I thought we were all in the same sinner's boat?

We are all in the same boat, but the Bible tells us that teachers and preachers are held to a higher standard. You don't care anyway as an unbeliever -