Sekulow: government agencies are controled by Democrats ONLY


New member
Jay Sekulow (hope i spelled his name correctly) shows in his book called Undemocratic

that (as some of us have always known or suspected)

US Government agencies are controlled by Democrats ONLY

In this book, he shows us with multiple examples how agencies like




and others (haven't finished reading it) are run by.. and totally controlled by liberal democrats

The IRS used the child tax credit "excuse" to send extra checks to "their people" (my words) so as to grow the d party.

And as we all know, the IRS harassed and persectued Tea Party groups and other conservative groups.. (led by Lois Lerner)

No one should vote until they read this book. If you are a Dem and you like this b/c you are a Dem and the system favors you... you have no integrity.. Grab a conscience...



New member

Imagine yourself being a worker at this factory

(My words in brackets [ ])

Sekulow says he went to a guitar shop

“When I asked the salesman to show me the Gibsons, he surprisingly said, “You don’t want to buy a Gibson.” Of course it’s a bit unusual for a salesperson to discourage sales… so I asked him why.

“Because Gibson’s been indicted for selling illegal wood”…

“That’s precisely why I want to buy a Gibson,” I responded. It was my own small rebellion against a government that [is] careening out of control

In 2011, for the 2nd time, “armed federal agents descended on Gibson Guitar Corporation in Nashville… They stopped production, cleared employees out… and confiscated suspected contraband,” [looking for—HORRORS!]


“The Department of [ha ha] Justice was investigating a possible violation of the Lacey Act… [that] protects endangered species [and that] had been recently amended to include plants… [under which] the government can impose criminal penalties if a person imports wood that was logged not in violation of U.S. law, but in violation of the law of the originating country… [Companies that purchase wood from other countries must] “certify the legality of their supply chain all the way to the trees.”

[The thing is] “… the law… is retro-active… you can be liable for the wood on a guitar purchased years ago.

Let’s presume for the moment that the Lacey Act… is constitutional and enforceable in U.S. courts. Does that justify the use of armed agents to shut down production… confiscate wood, and cost a corporation millions of dollars on the mere suspicion of wrongdoing?

[So much for Innocent until proven guilty]

“Does it justify this scene…

‘Henry, a SWAT team from Homeland Security just raided our factory!’

‘What? This must be a joke.’

‘No this is really serious. We got guys with guns, they put all our people out in the parking lot and won’t let us go into the plant.’


‘What is happening?’ asks Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juszkiewicz [after arriving] at his Nashville factory… ‘We can’t tell you.’

‘What are you talking about, you can’t tell me, you can’t just come in and…’

‘We have a warrant!’

‘Well, lemme see the warrant.’

‘We can’t show that to you…’

“… Facing years of legal uncertainty, threats of jail time, and millions of dollars of losses, Gibson settled with the… government, agreeing to pay $300,000 plus a payment of $50,000 to an environmental group…

Congratulations, federal government. Your years-long investigation… netted you a few hundred thousand dollars [money to spend on oppressing and harassing other Americans]”



New member
don't like that story:

what about this one

welfare mothers who get their children ripped away from them for NO reason... the state ends up "raising them"... spoiling them...

corrupting their minds..



New member
don't like that story?

How about this one

welfare mothers who get their children ripped away from them for NO reason... the state (read Liberals) end up "raising them"... spoiling them...

corrupting their minds..



New member
45% of americans... don't just DISTRUST the gov

but are afraid of the gov

that tells us all we need to know

about the gov

about whom to vote for


(I like others but I feel I should know more about the others b4 totally endorsing them. I do tend to trust Huckabee, however... and Jindal)



New member
some of the R candidates are talking about eliminating EPA and IRS and possibly other gov agencies

please hold them to that promise
