What are the most annoying aspects of human nature?


New member
what annoys me probably most of all is how people will trust a con artist

but when a truly honest and trustworthy person comes along, they will question that person, accuse that person...


happens a lot...


Moron City


Ted Cruz



New member
that some actually believe they can "out-think" God or that He is un-necessary or some doddering old man in a corner and not to be taken toooo seriously.


New member

yeh, Cruz was one of the only ones who said No to the stupid plan the so called Republicans had to change the number of votes needed to change a rule in the Senate... As it is, there needs to be ALL 100 voting for a change in the rules... but they wanted to change it to 50 -- so that the Dems could vote some stupid bill through without any R votes... meaning the Rs wanted to be instrumental in voting with the Ds for something ... but didn't want the American people to KNOW it...

Ted Cruz and that guy from Utah... can't htink of his name off the top of my head (Lee, i believe), they were the ONLY ones who wouldn't go along to get along.

as that Caddell guy said on Fox recently (he's a D... or was -- .)

he spoke of the utter contempt Congress has for the people...

Wake up, America... Your best friends are those like Cruz who stand for truth and the TRUE AMerican way... Stop listening to the likes of MSNBC and CNN who do NOT tell you the truth RE Cruz... or the truth of all the corruption going on in the liberal government we have... and stop beleiving that all Rs are really Rs

Don't listen to the LIARS... pathological liars... con artists... self-aggrandizers...

enriching themselves at YOUR expense!
