Yet another hypocritical Democrat stunt


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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
their boy got 65 million votes in 2012
-how are you going to beat that?
-never mind
-I know you don't like questions
-carry on
-as you were

The Horn

This is not "hypocritical ". It's gutsy and principled . Too many GOP politicians are corrupt bastards who are in the pay of the evil NRA, America's number one terrorist organization, and they have relentlessly blocked sensible gun control legislation, meaning that both they and the NRA criminals have blood on their hands .
Gun control is NOT "gun confiscation ", nor is it part of an imaginary "communist plot to take America over by supposedly banning guns. Number of guns banned under Obama so far after eight years : ZERO. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Bupkis .

Feral Phoenician

New member
I actually, at first, thought it was a bit of a gutsy move. That was, until I learned it was preplanned, they had comfy pillows, and it was a "catered event".

I don't like Paul Ryan. I don't. And it's killing me that I find myself agreeing with him that it was a "publicity stunt".

Had it been an actual, spontaneous, "hell no, we won't go" protest hearkening back to the 1960's, I'd have a good deal of respect for them. I respect people who stand up for their beliefs, even if I disagree with their beliefs.

Feral Phoenician

New member
This is not "hypocritical ". It's gutsy and principled . Too many GOP politicians are corrupt bastards who are in the pay of the evil NRA, America's number one terrorist organization, and they have relentlessly blocked sensible gun control legislation, meaning that both they and the NRA criminals have blood on their hands .
Gun control is NOT "gun confiscation ", nor is it part of an imaginary "communist plot to take America over by supposedly banning guns. Number of guns banned under Obama so far after eight years : ZERO. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Bupkis .
I agree with some of what you say. Lobbying has absolutely killed our political process. Whether it be the NRA (who I'm not a fan of), Big Pharma, etc, and whether the politicians be Left or Right, it shows they're corrupt and on sale to the highest bidder.


Well-known member
I actually, at first, thought it was a bit of a gutsy move. That was, until I learned it was preplanned, they had comfy pillows, and it was a "catered event".

I don't like Paul Ryan. I don't. And it's killing me that I find myself agreeing with him that it was a "publicity stunt".

Had it been an actual, spontaneous, "hell no, we won't go" protest hearkening back to the 1960's, I'd have a good deal of respect for them. I respect people who stand up for their beliefs, even if I disagree with their beliefs.


And most of them appear to personally own guns on top of whatever security details are assigned to them.


Well-known member
This is not "hypocritical ". It's gutsy and principled . Too many GOP politicians are corrupt bastards who are in the pay of the evil NRA, America's number one terrorist organization, and they have relentlessly blocked sensible gun control legislation, meaning that both they and the NRA criminals have blood on their hands .
Gun control is NOT "gun confiscation ", nor is it part of an imaginary "communist plot to take America over by supposedly banning guns. Number of guns banned under Obama so far after eight years : ZERO. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Bupkis .

Is there even one judicial decision that the NRA is in the same category as the Blind Sheikh or ISIS or the San Bernadino jihadists? Ever?


Well-known member
their boy got 65 million votes in 2012
-how are you going to beat that?
-never mind
-I know you don't like questions
-carry on
-as you were

There are too many ignorant people now-a-days. The dumbing down of America is a part of the liberal agenda and it's working. :)


The vast majority of the American public support some "common-sense" legislation that would prevent those individuals on the FBI's "no-fly" list from purchasing firearms, particularly assault weapons, legally.

Republican legislators from the House and Senate, in their infinite wisdom, have made their decision - close down Congress, go on vacation and continue marching to the beat of the NRA drum!

Conservative have now provided The Democrats with a major election issue that 90% of the American public can support - the longer the Republicans remain in this state of denial, the more difficult it will be to justify their position.

Even Donald Trump realizes which way the political winds are blowing - he certainly doesn't want to be placed in the position of protecting the 2nd Amendment rights of those individuals whom the FBI considers too dangerous to be allowed to be passengers on a plane.

Feral Phoenician

New member
The vast majority of the American public support some "common-sense" legislation that would prevent those individuals on the FBI's "no-fly" list from purchasing firearms, particularly assault weapons, legally.

Republican legislators in the House and Senate made their decision - marching to the beat of the NRA drum!

Conservative have now provided The Democrats with an election issue that 90% of the American public can support.

Even Donald Trump realizes which way the political winds are blowing - he certainly doesn't want to be placed in the position of protecting the 2nd Amendment rights of those individuals whom the FBI considers too dangerous to be allowed to be passengers on a plane.
That's my gripe with the NRA. This "siege mentality" or "line in the sand" that they've adopted. They used to be a really good organization that sadly, now lives in crazytown.

The challenge with "lists", is how easy it really is to wind up on one. That's not "tin foil hat" politics, either.

I don't think that there's an easy answer, here. I know we want a "home run" but we're going to have to work with "base hits" (I apologize for the lame baseball analogy).

Blaming mental illness is also a terrible solution. The people who do seek treatment, or would benefit from treatment, aren't likely to go on murder sprees. Sociopaths and Psychopaths don't seek treatment nor benefit from it, and they are more likely to do horrible things, as ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) is characterized by a lack of empathy, shame, guilt, and remorse.

We've got to figure something out. Knee jerk reactions or total inaction just isn't going to cut it.


There will never be a perfect "no-fly" list because its based on predicting future actions that we are trying to prevent.

If certain individuals are considered too dangerous to the American public to be allowed to fly, why would we think that they would any less of a threat on the ground?

Feral Phoenician

New member
There will never be a perfect "no-fly" list because its based on predicting future actions that we are trying to prevent.

If certain individuals are considered too dangerous to the American public to be allowed to fly, why would we think that they would any less of a threat on the ground?
The "no fly" is a better place to start than the numerous other "lists". Yes, yes, there's always the "false positives" on the "no fly", though it can be rectified.

While I'm pro 2nd amendment, I am by no means a "hard liner". There are people in this country who I don't trust with rubber bands.

The Horn

Interplanner, the reason why the NRA is not officially classified as a terrorist organization is because it pretty much controls the Republican party .


New member
Hall of Fame
Interplanner, the reason why the NRA is not officially classified as a terrorist organization is because it pretty much controls the Republican party .
Do you honestly think the NRA should be classified as a terrorist group?


New member
Hall of Fame
I actually, at first, thought it was a bit of a gutsy move. That was, until I learned it was preplanned, they had comfy pillows, and it was a "catered event".

I don't like Paul Ryan. I don't. And it's killing me that I find myself agreeing with him that it was a "publicity stunt".

Had it been an actual, spontaneous, "hell no, we won't go" protest hearkening back to the 1960's, I'd have a good deal of respect for them. I respect people who stand up for their beliefs, even if I disagree with their beliefs.

Catered. :rotfl:

:mock: "gutsy" Democrats


New member
Hall of Fame
That's my gripe with the NRA. This "siege mentality" or "line in the sand" that they've adopted. They used to be a really good organization that sadly, now lives in crazytown.
I don't know much about the NRA history but I read one article that was saying the NRA used to actually support some gun control legislation but at a certain point (I forget when, maybe a couple decades ago) the leadership changed and they became much more extreme in what want or don't want. I thought that was interesting.

The challenge with "lists", is how easy it really is to wind up on one. That's not "tin foil hat" politics, either.
Part of my concern also and why I don't think I can support any current proposition to use the lists to prevent 2nd Amendment rights.
It would need to be very clear, set the bar pretty high, and give the person recourse to fight it. I certainly think a line should be drawn somewhere though. If I suspect that someone is going to use a gun for violence then I'm not going to give it to him.


Poll: Gun control support spikes after shooting
Mon June 20, 2016

Washington (CNN) Support for tighter gun control laws increased 9 percentage points after the Orlando terror attack, and support for background checks and other measures being debated in the Senate hovered around 90%, according to CNN/ORC poll released Monday.
The support for tougher gun laws rose to 55% in the newest poll -- the highest number since just one month after the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, in January 2013.

But support for specific gun control measures was very strong, with
- 92% saying they wanted expanded background checks,
- 87% supporting a ban for felons or people with mental health problems and
- 85% saying they would ban people on federal watchlists from buying guns.

Among Republicans, that number is even higher
- 90% say they favor preventing people on the terror watch list or "no fly" list from buying a gun.
- that number is at 85% for Democrats.

Versions of those proposals are being taken up in the Senate Monday evening -- but are all expected to fail along mostly party-line votes.
One might assume that any measure that is supported by 90% of the American electorate would normally result in Congress passing the appropriate legislation.

The fact that the collective "will of the people" was totally ignored by Republican majorities in both the House and the Senate should send a chilling message concerning the precarious state of democracy in America and as to who really controls the reins of power.

The Horn

Yup. Obviously. It has blood on its hands . It's responsible for the deaths of far more Americans than Muslim terrorists .