I see the determining factor for you as to what is true or not true, who you will follow, what you will believe, is the numbers. The largest number who believe a things means that is the right thing. Never mind God's deep attachment to remnants, or that more sheep blindly follow the crowd than those who follow Jesus. One of the main reasons all the boxes you present above fall into the same category is because that is pretty much all that is taught, all people hear, and always presented without any other view being presented or examined, as though it were an absolute. A great many of those people would not have even heard the word dispensationalism or covenant theology, they just follow along, believe what they hear, and could care less anyway. It has a lot to do really with all those books in the Christian book store.
Well I am impressed. You know the thoughts and beliefs of every single solitary dispensationalist! But, let's suppose what you say is true------Then why do you feel the need to fight about it tooth and nail? Why is it you have this need to make everything about what you believe, and kick people in the teeth for not believing what you do? Not even give them room to have their own beliefs or speak about them, without you coming in to rip everything they say to shreds, by changing the subject, as thought just because you say something, that makes it so. Or that if you believe something that equals truth automatically, and everyone who doesn't get into that box with you is an idiot, knows nothing, doesn't think, can't read, is stupid.
There you go again. There is a new thread titled something on the lines of : Paul, Peter, James and John and the Two Gospels" This, and all future post on that subject belongs in that thread. This one is titled "Revelation: Mystery or Profitable".