Republican Civil WAR: MAGAs vs. RINOs -- Who Will Win?

In the coming Civil War between MAGA and RINOs, who will win?

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Greatest poster ever
A Civil War is brewing in the Republican Party between MAGAs and RINOs. The seeds of this civil war were planted when Mike Pence, RINO extraordinaire, officially certified the results of the 2020 election, officially making Sleepy Joe the 46th POTUS:

Mike Pence betrayed Trump in particular and MAGA in general, but Pence was by no means alone--RINOs are legion. Other RINOs who are natural enemies of MAGA include Bill Barr, Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger (Georgia Secretary of State), Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Sen. Mitt Romney, Sen. Ben Sasse, Sen. Mitch McConnell, and so on. All of these politicians and many more had a hand in making Sleepy Joe the POTUS instead of Trump, and they are continuing to steal the stop to this very day.

As a consequence, a civil war is inevitable between these two groups. There can be no peace between them. They are natural enemies of each other. The only question is, which faction will win? You decide!

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Greatest poster ever
Former President Donald Trump has promised to replace every “RINO” with a Republican who will put America first. Who are these RINOS and why is Donald Trump attacking his own party? Trump claims that the Republicans who voted to certify the election results are Republicans in name only aka RINO’s. Trump has accused longtime conservative leaders as RINO’s like Sen.John Thune the second most powerful Republican in the Senate and Georgia Gov.Brian Kemp who is a staunch supporter of Trump’s agenda. Trump is targeting members of his own party for disagreeing with him...

The Republican Party is unlikely to move on from Trump and his ideology, no matter how hard the “traditional” Republicans try. Donald Trump’s main targets to defeat in 2022 are Governors Brian Kemp from Georgia, Mike Dewine from Ohio and Senators Lisa Murkowksi of Alaska and John Thune of South Dakota. Trump is also Recruiting Trump-friendly candidates for governors races in Arkansas and Arizona. In the Senate Trump is targeting open seats in Pennsylvania, Ohio,and North Carolina. Trump has committed to primary Republicans who are seen as unloyal to him including staunch conservatives like Todd Young of Indiana, Roy Blunt of Missouri, and Jerry Moran of Kansas. Trump is okay with replacing and destroying the political careers of senators of his own party if it means they are replaced with loyal “true” Republicans. In the end it will be up to the “traditional” Republicans to show if they are able to fight back and go back to their old ways or if it’s time to embrace a “new” Republican Party.


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Greatest poster ever
Trump-endorsed Madison Cawthorn called for a civil war in the Republican Party when he lost his recent bid for reelection. Cawthorn blames RINOs for his loss, and he took aim at other Republicans in his Instagram post:

"It’s time for the rise of the new right, it’s time for Dark MAGA to truly take command...We have an enemy to defeat...the cowardly and weak members of our own party. Their days are numbered. We are coming."



Well-known member
How the GOP civil war plays out in Pennsylvania and other state primaries across the country will be seen by analysts and Republicans as a test of Trump's control over the party.

Insofar as the republican party turns away from God the republicans will be supporting the devil in opposition to God.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
This thread is a monument to the ignorance and stupidity of Democrats who don't have the first clue about the GOP, and who blindly follow the evil racist hate-filled Democrat party.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Best outcome … the infighting obliterates the GOP.

Acceptable outcome … MAGA is no more.
Keep dreaming

More likely outcome - supermajorities in both chambers, appointment of Trump to Speaker, a quick impeachment and removal from office of Joe the Rapist, Kackling Kamala sworn in as POTUS, a refusal by the Senate to confirm her choice for Veep, impeachment of President Kneepads, and the return of the King 😁


like marbles on glass
In his biggest electoral defeat since he lost the presidency in 2020, Donald Trump went down in flames Tuesday in his crusade to punish Georgia Republicans who defied his attempts to overturn the 2020 election, as NBC News projects the former president’s candidates were crushed in GOP primaries.

Gov. Brian Kemp is on track to rout Trump-backed challenger David Perdue by a stunning 50 percentage points, while Attorney General Chris Carr ran ahead of his Trump-endorsed opponent by a similar margin.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — who earned a special place on Trump's list of targets for secretly recording a phone call in which Trump asked him to “find” him more votes — beat expectations by winning his primary outright without being forced into a runoff, according to NBC News.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Who will win the Republican civil war?

Republicans. Red wave baby.