The teachings of Jesus-few know them.


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This is the last time i will tell you this Fact-- Every spot in the OT where GOD or LORD all capitols is the tetragramoton= YHWH was in the originals. Neither one of those titles belongs in Gods written word.

I was referring to the New Testament, where God is called Lord... in GREEK, where the Tetragrammaton isn't used.

By the will of satan men who had no right removed the name God put there to mislead,

Saying it doesn't make it so.

God put it there because he wants it there.

I don't think God cares too much, since it's still referring to Him regardless.

Every scholar on earth knows its fact.

You keep bringing it up, yet no one has disputed it, kj.

And in the NT where the name belongs in the OT and its quoted the name belongs there as well.

Do you mind NOT writing things that don't make sense?

Even Jerome told the Pope Gods name belongs in the NT.

Jerome didn't write the Bible.

The sad part about it all is those who keep the name out are misleading all using those altered translations to support satans will over Gods will.

Your rhetoric is boring repetitious nonsense.

In their darkness those same ones condemned the only translators who had enough respect and love for God's will to put the name back.


Don't claim to speak for God. You don't.

These are 100% undeniable facts.


The only reason God is called Kurios is because of altered translations.

False. "Kurios" is the greek word for lord. It's the same word used for both God and for Jesus. The point is that it doesn't matter what word is used, since it's the same word in both cases.

Its you who cannot prove a single word of the 9 teachings i shared so far as being wrong.

You mean like I've done the past 10 pages?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You are sadly mistaken.
You're both sad and mistaken.
Jesus is the head of the congregation.
The Church.
It is him who appoints his real teachers.
I said that. He appointed His Apostles. His Apostles created the first gen bishops (such as Timothy and Titus). The first gen bishops then made the second gen bishops. The second gen bishops made the third gen. And so on.
What religion are you? Do not fear to tell the truth.
The one with the real teachers. Run from your "teachers" they are fraudsters and fakes. They're drunk on the "holy spirit", of Jack Daniels, and they lead you into a pit.


I was referring to the New Testament, where God is called Lord... in GREEK, where the Tetragrammaton isn't used.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

I don't think God cares too much, since it's still referring to Him regardless.

You keep bringing it up, yet no one has disputed it, kj.

Do you mind NOT writing things that don't make sense?

Jerome didn't write the Bible.

Your rhetoric is boring repetitious nonsense.


Don't claim to speak for God. You don't.


False. "Kurios" is the greek word for lord. It's the same word used for both God and for Jesus. The point is that it doesn't matter what word is used, since it's the same word in both cases.

You mean like I've done the past 10 pages?

He is called Lord in the NT because of the word Lord in the OT that does not belong there.


You're both sad and mistaken.

The Church.

I said that. He appointed His Apostles. His Apostles created the first gen bishops (such as Timothy and Titus). The first gen bishops then made the second gen bishops. The second gen bishops made the third gen. And so on.

The one with the real teachers. Run from your "teachers" they are fraudsters and fakes. They're drunk on the "holy spirit", of Jack Daniels, and they lead you into a pit.

In Revelation the Greek word translates-congregation, not church. Jesus did not address a building, he addressed the inhabitants of that building.
No where does it call Timothy or Titus bishops.


You're both sad and mistaken.

The Church.

I said that. He appointed His Apostles. His Apostles created the first gen bishops (such as Timothy and Titus). The first gen bishops then made the second gen bishops. The second gen bishops made the third gen. And so on.

The one with the real teachers. Run from your "teachers" they are fraudsters and fakes. They're drunk on the "holy spirit", of Jack Daniels, and they lead you into a pit.
Name your religion. or do you fear standing up for Jesus?


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He is called Lord in the NT because of the word Lord in the OT that does not belong there

Pretty sure that the authors of the NT knew what they were talking about when they wrote, in Greek, "kurios." "Lord" is just what kurios means.

Right Divider

Body part
This is the last time i will tell you this Fact-- Every spot in the OT where GOD or LORD all capitols is the tetragramoton= YHWH was in the originals. Neither one of those titles belongs in Gods written word. By the will of satan men who had no right removed the name God put there to mislead, God put it there because he wants it there. Every scholar on earth knows its fact. And in the NT where the name belongs in the OT and its quoted the name belongs there as well. Even Jerome told the Pope Gods name belongs in the NT. The sad part about it all is those who keep the name out are misleading all using those altered translations to support satans will over Gods will. In their darkness those same ones condemned the only translators who had enough respect and love for Gods will to put the name back. These are 100% undeniable facts. The only reason God is called Kurios is because of altered translations.
GOD and LORD are TWO different words in the Hebrew (Many times is says LORD GOD, two different Hebrews words used together).
You are confused beyond help.


Well-known member
Catholicism came out of Rome, screwed it all up, years later the protestants saw that fact and ran, yet did not fix most errors. Catholicism is the tree trunk, 33,998 branches in a house divided it will not stand. A good tree produces good fruit, a rotten tree produces rotten fruit.
But it is not the only tree.


Well-known member
This is the last time i will tell you this Fact-- Every spot in the OT where GOD or LORD all capitols is the tetragramoton= YHWH was in the originals. Neither one of those titles belongs in Gods written word. By the will of satan men who had no right removed the name God put there to mislead, God put it there because he wants it there. Every scholar on earth knows its fact. And in the NT where the name belongs in the OT and its quoted the name belongs there as well. Even Jerome told the Pope Gods name belongs in the NT. The sad part about it all is those who keep the name out are misleading all using those altered translations to support satans will over Gods will. In their darkness those same ones condemned the only translators who had enough respect and love for Gods will to put the name back. These are 100% undeniable facts. The only reason God is called Kurios is because of altered translations.
Do you mind if we call you kjw47, or Bob, or Tom, or Mister Jones, or whatever your real name is?
Why do you think that God cares how we lovingly address Him?
YHWH, or King, or Lord, or Abba, or Father.
Our prayers get to the right set of ears.


Pretty sure that the authors of the NT knew what they were talking about when they wrote, in Greek, "kurios." "Lord" is just what kurios means.

Why is it you cant understand facts. The word LORD which they took kurios from did not belong in the OT. YHWH belongs in all those spots OT-NT.


Do you mind if we call you kjw47, or Bob, or Tom, or Mister Jones, or whatever your real name is?
Why do you think that God cares how we lovingly address Him?
YHWH, or King, or Lord, or Abba, or Father.
Our prayers get to the right set of ears.

Jesus thought it was important--Hallowed be thy name--And promised to keep on making his Fathers name known-John 17:26
1Kings 8:43--Gods name to be known by all.. And in the Ezekial prophecies It says about 20x They will have to know, i am YHWH(Jehovah) concerning the end times.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Why is it you cant understand facts. The word LORD which they took kurios from did not belong in the OT. YHWH belongs in all those spots OT-NT.
And yet, the New Testament writers were all, to a man, more than happy to quote the Septuagint where it translates every instance of YHWH as the Lord.

Your drunk, drug using "teachers" (FAKE) are Apostle-correcters.

Wonder why that is.

Curiouser and curiouser.