Fair enough, but at that point, there were only two swords between all the disciples present. Jesus then said, two swords is enough, meaning, you don’t have to buy any more. Jesus knew a crowd was going to turn up armed with clubs and swords. Had he truthfully wanted swords to be used in self - defence, surely it would have made far more sense for all the disciples to sell their cloaks and buy a sword.Scripture doesn't say one way or the other what they had prior to Jesus telling them to sell their cloak and buy a sword.
I would argue that Peter was an amateur, if you cut someone’s ear off, you are going to make them mad. Peter should have taken the man's head off.When He told them to buy the swords, He expected them to know how to use them.
At least one of them knew how to use it enough to lop a man's ear off...
In Luke’s Gospel, Peter tries to do the right thing. He asks, Lord, should we strike with our sword? When you ask a question, you should wait for an answer. But Peter, the proud owner of a sword, does not wait for an answer and cuts the servant’s ear off before Jesus replies.