Arthur Brain
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  • Which one? I could do with seeing a decent film myself.....

    Have you seen 'The Usual Suspects'?


    Oh well, glad it's nothing major although don't vampires have to see a specialist dentist? :nananana:

    Though I do hate going myself.....

    I was in touch with a friend from facebook I've not spoke to or seen in a while and you can play it on there as one of the game applications. I'm losing to her (she is in Ebglish teacher though....) but doing well otherwise....


    Are you scared of daleks as well? :plain:

    I've seen some of the games. My ex flatmate used to have 'Battle For Middle Earth' and it's not exactly a spectator game....
    They may well fall out anyway as in good conscience I have to confess I made the entire thing up for a laugh. It's absolute nonsense with no answer....:eek:

    (Well, all the genuine puzzles don't stump you.....) :mmph:

    I guess I should go :eek: again at this point....

    No, the answer is the Dominican Republic....:plain:

    'One' apologizes again for one's ineptness in regards to the description of wooden fuel flammables.....


    PS logarhythms.....
    I could have said gloom instead.....:shocked:

    I better think twice before using 'lawks' again so offhandedly I reckon....lawks....oops! :doh: :plain:

    In that case then do avoid. I play about but panic attacks are no laughing matter whatever the cause.

    When does Chrys ever have a point these days? Hope you've got enough cash to get through? You've gotta put your health first though dude

    Thank you Count....


    I checked out that track you sent, certainly chilled....


    In fact as it's such an important day I think you should send me some musical gifts....:D


    But in that case all zombies were intelligent from the very first as they remember they still need food to eat....Plus in the original Night Of The Living Dead they knew enough to surround the house :D

    A zombie thread may actually be in order though....

    Quite applicable for some here as well ironically....
    It was a shock the last time he lost it. People thought someone had hacked into his account as it's just normally so out of character. I think Freelight mentioned he's had anger issues in the past and I'm suspecting that drink plays its part in both today and before. I may well be wrong but I've seen folk change completely after too much alcohol...
    Either description is applicable Count. I suggest you put a hat on to avoid the sunstroke which is obviously addling your brains....:plain:

    Anyway, enough of such witty goes your weekend? were supposed to "reply" to the last message...:plain:

    But no matter...we'll carry along invalidating your claims by 1) being hungry and 2) going down to the food shop and ordering one of those really stuffed and epic yet really inexpensive 1 feet long sandwiches, full of all the amazing ingredients which they normally put in them (sombreros included) to make them taste incredibly well as all the sauces they include in them so as to leave the tongue with absolutely no idea what in heavens the thing actually tastes like...

    But they are good...and so brb...:plain:
    Well, better than yesterday now I've got that darn idiot SOD off the radar....

    How about you?

    Bite bite belch


    He really is a moron. You hadn't even posted in that thread for weeks and yet he resurrects it and does his standard's his MO. Sadly enough...


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