Well-known member
Ah, I'm betting you will.
It's "waste" by the way.
Yes it is.
Ah, I'm betting you will.
It's "waste" by the way.
Since I was silenced from the gang up and bash Cadry thread I'll reply here. Sorry about the format but I have to logout to read posts in that thread.....
Gods Truth
I don't believe you but assumed you believe to be true what you post.
But we've already established that I don't believe what you tell me just on your say so, so why would I start now?
And to me your opinions are also worthless, not to mention devoid of reason and logic.
Nor do you outside of bald claims and blind faith in an antiquated holy book.
You mean take on faith what the Bible says? No thanks!
Sexism an ad Hom aside, what makes you think I give a whit about what you think of me?
Pretty much the exact argument used by Mr Cadry himself. You'll see, just you wait.....
I do believe what I believe is true.Gods Truth: Where did I say believe me?
I don't believe you but assumed you believe to be true what you post.
You don’t have to believe on my say so, you can find out for yourself.Gods Truth: I told you that if you want to know if what Jesus says is true, then Jesus says there is a way you can find out.
But we've already established that I don't believe what you tell me just on your say so, so why would I start now?
If someone wants to speak about Jesus, what they say should line up with the scriptures, AND they should get experience. You might have read the Bible but you do not have experience and knowledge about Jesus and the Bible. So then, whatever you say is just worthless opinions.Gods Truth: Otherwise, your opinions of Jesus are worthless.
And to me your opinions are also worthless, not to mention devoid of reason and logic.
I don’t ever say just have faith. Most people here know that about me. Faith alone is dead.Gods Truth: You have no experience or knowledge to speak about Jesus.
Nor do you outside of bald claims and blind faith in an antiquated holy book.
No. No, it is not what I am saying, not at all.Gods Truth: If you want experience and knowledge to speak of Jesus, then you have to do what he says to do to get that knowledge
You mean take on faith what the Bible says? No thanks!
I see see we have an idiot wanting to post in the Religion Forum.
Why don't you try the Back Alley with the other weirdos?
Are you a Jew? I'm not.
I not only read Galatians, but I understand what it's saying.
Be off, and raise some more dead people, and stop trying to preach to those of us who actually understand what Paul is saying.
No big deal.
You see that, Hedshaker?
See how those Christians speak to people? She is a Christian who preaches faith alone. I preach no such thing. Faith alone teachers say that we don't have to do anything but believe. However, it is teachings such as that which keeps people from knowing God.
I believe you are not too.
Romans 2:29 No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person's praise is not from other people, but from God.
You really don't know what it is saying, because you preach against obedience, and Jesus says obedience is HOW we get understanding.
It is a big deal. You were straightening out a person who calls herself a Christian.
The :troll: is having a hissy fit. :chuckle:
It is a big deal. You were straightening out a person who calls herself a Christian.
It is serious. But who are you to judge me?You take this world way to serious,
Its all a play for the mind/ego to prance around comparing it self with others,
One gets power when one obeys Jesus' teachings.yet when you escape from the minds delusional power over you, the rest and peace of just "being life"
Judging or no judging? You contradicted yourself.that is beyond the minds ability to understand or control takes over judging with righteous judgment that is like the Father who judged no man.
The separatist games we play with each other while under its influence has us fragmented into race, gender, religions, etc......
.none of those matter in the ONE truth where Life was never born nor can it die which is you the light of the Eternal dance, that kingdom is closer than hands or feet and is always within you the real good news that is hid in scripture yet most see truth as some obvious set of rules based on appearance like Judah did Tamar, which exposed his own inability to judge truth based on appearance with his two thieves/eyes and false Christ being his unregenerate mind, all religions playground hiding truth behind the veil/letter 2Cor 3:6.
The Spirit gives life, and Jesus gives the Spirit to those who obey him.
Are we bashing Cadry again?
Where do I sign up?
No every man comes into this world with the same light John 1:9, looking for that light is the journey that brings you back to your own awareness, I AM is found within Luke 17:20-21 not some pagan sacrifice perverted by Rome fed to gullible minds Psalms 40:6, our Father who is Spirit never required sacrifice, only a change of mind portrayed in the prodigal son parable.
The kingdom was and is always at hand our Jesus was a liar Matt 23:13, the only crucifixion that happens is in the skull of man said to be the kingdom of God and temple where He dwells Acts 17:24 1Cor 3:16.
You have me to bash.
Never heard of you.I am Jesus' follower![]()