Acapella Hymn - Who is this?


Well-known member
Thank you, it worked! It IS beautiful....although i'm sorry i don't know who sings it

What's a little odd is that I typically don't like any reworking of old hymns (can't, for example, stand that you hardly ever hear 3 of the original verses of Amazing Grace) and they exchange a couple of words - which works. They even end the last verse differently than the first (where they preserve "Blessed Trinity"). But the arrangement is very reverent, full and expressive....

Thanks for checking it out, though!


Well-known member
I loved that. Sang along and remembered singing this in Sunday school so very long ago. Thank you.

My 4-year old son loves it too.

My 8-year old son likes Before the Throne of God Above

Exposing children to hymns is great, I think. They start singing without even realizing what they are doing..