Al Sharpton - Democrat Presidential Candidate for 2004


Proverbs 31:10
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Will he actually have a chance? Or will he be a stumbling block for other Democrat Presidential candidates?

Story here.

I've been hearing a lot about Al Sharpton running for president in 2004 on the democrat ticket. Will he actually stand a chance at winning? Or will his running cause other democrat presidential hopefuls to stumble?

Quote from the above article:

Conservatives and a prominent local African-American leader believe that such an approach will help Republicans in 2004. Conservative columnist Cal Thomas called a Sharpton candidacy "great news for Republicans" in a January column; George Will called him "the Democratic Party’s nightmare." Reverend Gene Rivers of Boston says Sharpton’s "candidacy is a Republican political operative’s dream." He adds, "In fact, I suspect there are some Republicans who will send generous checks to support his political initiative. It weakens an already diminished Democratic Party by splitting the party further."

It may split the Democrats further, but it also may help Sharpton in his bid to supplant Jackson. "He is on a crusade to replace Jackson as the ‘premier black leader’ in the media’s eyes," says Page. "When it comes to rolling into town and rallying people, Sharpton can do it. He has that kind of rock-star appeal that Jackson had in his early days."

One thing is clear. A Sharpton candidacy in 2004 will certainly mean news.

I saw the "town hall" meeting on MSNBC a few months back where people discussed the presidential candidates for the democratic party. When the host asked the audience if they thought that Sharpton had any chance, most of them laughed about it. Things have changed recently.

Sharpton was interviewed by (I think) CNN. The interviewer asked him about the Tawana Brawley case, and he said, "I don't hear you asking other candidates about past indiscretions. You don't ask Hillary Clinton about her husband's indiscretions. So, don't ask me about the Brawley case."

Personally, I think that Sharpton may be the match in the powderkeg in the next presidential election. If he can get enough votes in the primaries, like it or not, other democratic candidates will have to deal with him. And, if he can sway enough of the African-American vote from the mainstream democratic candidates, he may hand the election to G. W. Bush on a silver platter.

According to the article above, Sharpton knows that he may cause a Bush win. And, it's not that he doesn't care. He wants the democratic party to wake up. He says that the men and women in power in the democrat party have moved too far to the center or to the right of center. He wants the democrat party to move back to their former glory days of "protecting the citizens of the United States."

While, in my opinion, the democrat party, as a unit, lacks a lot when it comes to morals, I have to applaud Al Sharpton for standing his ground on this. He remembers what used to be and wants it back. With the way the world is today, I don't know if that's possible. But, one thing is for sure: we better hang on to our hats. The ride's about to get bumpy.


Re: sharpton...

Re: sharpton...

...doesn't care about the Democratic party's chances; he doesn't care about four more years of GOP rule; he doesn't care about issues facing our country;
He only cares about Al Sharpton, plain and simple; just to get that mug of his into the national limelight for a time.
The Taw- Braw- case pretty much sums up what this ego-maniacal huckster's all about.
Unfortunately, I see just as many self-righteous right wing conservatives with the same self-serving egos...:(


New member
Everytime I see Al Sharpton, all I can think about is the Reverend What's-His-Name in Bonfire of the Vanities. "Steeeeaaaaaammmm Connnntttttooooool!" Al's a shakedown artist.