As usual, Sarah Palin is CORRECT

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Sarah Palin Issues A Dramatic Response To The Dallas Police Shootings
"Blood is on your complicit hands ..."
Fred Maxwell July 8, 2016 at 3:29pm
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"Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin responded to the killing of five police officers and the wounding of seven others in Dallas with a Facebook post Friday.

Palin began by offering prayers for the officers who lost their lives while protecting others from danger. She called their courage “unfathomable.”

She went on to criticize those determined to divide America. “Shame on our culture’s influencers who would stir contention and division that could lead to evil such as that in Dallas,” Palin wrote. “Shame on politicians and pundits giving credence to thugs rioting against police officers and the rule of law.”

Calling the Black Lives Matter movement a “farce,” Palin insisted the media stop referring to the protesters as “peaceful” when they stomp on the American flag and “celebrate violence” with calls of “death to cops.”

“Blood is on your complicit hands when you naively or purposefully refuse to tell of this movement’s truth,” she wrote.

Yes, black lives matter, Palin said — adding that Native lives also matter, as do Asian and Hispanic lives, along with every other race. “Every innocent life — at every stage of life — on the side of good over evil, matters,” she wrote.

The 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate urged her followers who are tired of being labeled racist for saying “all lives matter” to “get fed up and stand up.”

Palin asserted that the time has come to realize that, as a people, we are either Americans or we’re not. She continued to say attaching a racial tag to the term “American” only helps to further divide the nation.

Expressing her sadness for those killed in the tragic shootings this week, Palin called the events “mind-boggling.” She wrote she sympathized with the families of the victims.

She added that “if we’re to take sides, I side with the Thin Blue Line.”

“Join me. Do not let today’s agenda redefine what it means to be an American. Do not sit still for it to fundamentally transform America,” Palin compelled her followers.

The former governor closed her post with the words, “God created us equally, and not with a spirit of fear. We’re given the spirit of POWER, love and a sound mind. Use it,” a paraphrase of the Bible verse 2 Timothy 1:7."

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Then she's part and parcel.... the problem.
LOL? So siding with Law Enforcement against cop-killing thugs makes her the problem?
I take it you are a Democrat. Only a Democrat could come to that conclusion.



LOL? So siding with Law Enforcement against cop-killing thugs makes her the problem?

Of course...she's knows what side her bread is buttered on...and desires to maintain it as such. That's the "we're" battle-line she referring to: She added that “if we’re to take sides, I side with the Thin Blue Line.”


As usual, Sarah Palin is CORRECT

What does a "white" politician, who can see Russia from her kitchen window in Alaska, know about "blacks" living a life of poverty and hopelessness in inner city ghettos?

What should "blacks" feel about a Constitution, whose Founding Fathers considered them to be nothing more than property, condemned to a life of slavery and excluded from any of the freedoms enjoyed by their "white" counterparts?
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
........What does a "white" politician, who can see Russia from her kitchen window in Alaska, know about "blacks" living a life of poverty and hopelessness in inner city ghettos?.....

A lot more than a racist like you apparently. I'll bet you think the multi-millionaire Hillary does, don't you - hypocrite.

You liberals snivel about racism, yet your language drips with it like venom.

The Horn

"Sarah Palin is correct ?" ROFLOL ! This pathetic woman makes your average idiot look like a genius ! Her IQ is lower than that of a clam . She just blabbers and blathers moronically every time she opens her fool mouth .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Sarah Palin is correct ?" ROFLOL ! This pathetic woman makes your average idiot look like a genius ! Her IQ is lower than that of a clam . She just blabbers and blathers moronically every time she opens her fool mouth .

pot, meet kettle

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
"Sarah Palin is correct ?".......

That's right.

......This pathetic woman makes your average idiot look like a genius......

No, you still look like an average idiot. Don't worry.

.....Her IQ is lower than that of a clam......

What IS the IQ of a clam sir?

....She just blabbers and blathers moronically every time she opens her fool mouth.

I think you just showed everyone who the real fool is. Now, go back to your sandbox little one.


like marbles on glass
Palin is doing exactly what she's excoriating others for: "stirring contention and division."

l can't believe I ever thought Sarah Palin would make a good VP... Her latest reality show venture is a Judge Judy-style reality show. What a joke. Anything to keep in the public eye.


A lot more than a racist like you apparently. I'll bet you think the multi-millionaire Hillary does, don't you - hypocrite.

You liberals snivel about racism, yet your language drips with it like venom.
"CatholicCrusader" takes civil questions and uses them as an excuse for a nasty, "name-calling" response!

If I was a Catholic, I would be mortified to have someone like "CatholicCrusader" represent with my faith!