Bob Debates Neal Boortz on a Nat'l Sales Tax


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Bob Debates Neal Boortz on a Nat'l Sales Tax
Wednesday August 9, 2006. This is show #158.

* Eight Objections: Bob gave libertarian talk show host Neal Boortz these eight objections to the Fair Tax, a National 22% Sales Tax:
1. No Right of Conscription: The government does not have the right to force a businessman to become a tax collector, something that millions rightfully hate. NB Reply: Could not give a defense for this other than, we already do this, we already conscript tax collectors, which Neal later admitted is not a valid defense, and then he said he'd have to look into it.
2. Fraud Enticement to Strangers: A sales tax entices millions of strangers, who briefly meet, to conspire together to defraud the government, fueling a much greater illicit underground economy, because we all buy and sell from a hundred times more people than we employ. NB Reply: Disagreed that the buying and selling relationship will give opportunity to more people to defraud the government than the employment relationship does. (Neal probably misunderstood the point.)
3. Start-up Impediment: A sales tax makes it far more difficult to enter into business, especially for the poor, the young, and those with less business capability. NB Reply: We already have a sales tax.
4. Vastly Greater Transaction Cost: There are a billion sales transactions per day, but vastly fewer income tax transactions, which means it is a far greater burden on the economy to process sales transactions. NB Reply: No, economists disagree with that. (Neal probably misunderstood the point, since it's irrefutably obvious that the cost of processing 400 billion sales tax transactions per year is more that processing perhaps four billion income tax transactions per year.)
5. It’s the UnFair Tax: Paying a 22% sales tax on consumables, etc., is grossly unfair comparing the wealthy to those struggling in the middle class, since those who struggle would be taxed on huge percent of their incomes, which they spend just to survive, whereas Bill Gates might spend only $30 million per year, which means that he would pay tax on only one percent of his income. NB Reply: Unresponsive.
6. Conflict of Economic Interest: Government will obsessively encourage spending and borrowing, rather than increased incomes, saving and investment. NB Reply: Bob, this is your first valid point. All the others have been the most irrelevant and inane objections I've ever heard.
7. To Not Tax the Poor Hurts Them: Since the Fair Tax exempts the poor, they will not have ownership in our society, and cannot walk down the street with their head held high. The poor need to pay the same percent, with a flat income tax, as everyone else, especially to build their own self respect. NB Reply: Yes, handouts do create a sense of dependency with the poor, but I don't think exempting the poor from paying tax will have that same effect.
8. You Don't Need a Sales Tax to Eliminate the IRS: A flat income tax does not require a tax collection agency. People can simply remit their taxes, just as businesses would remit their sales tax revenues. NB Reply: Then you are arguing against all taxation. (Neal misunderstood the point.)
* Immediate Debrief: Bob analyzes his brief sales tax debate with Neal Boortz, and rewrote the Tax Poem from FairTax.
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Formerly Shimei!
What a slaughter. Wonder why Boortz had to resort to insults. :think:

Wonder if Boortz will post a link to this show at his web site....


New member
His sales tax idea is retarded. As if anyone really believes the gov't is going to charge lower taxes just because the method of collection has changed. Black market, anyone? I can see it now. An entity even more corrupt than the IRS breaking down doors and putting people out of business just because they refused to go along with an immoral tax code.
Boortz is a lawyer, remember that. He doesn't care about right and wrong.


New member
From what I have seen in Canada, Bob Enyart is right on the money. (As he is 99.9% of the time!) I can't believe Neil Boortz1 is a Libertarian, his 22% tax seems downright socialist, and the scheme is filled with other pitfalls.

Our 7% to 15% sales taxes in Canada has created a vast underground economy. In Ontario alone $6.8 billion dollars worth of construction work is now conducted in the underground economy in 2000. One third of construction work in Ontario is done in the underground economy now.

A number of construction contractors in Ontario offer a 7% discount as long as the amount is paid in cash, and no reciept is made. And most people agree with the 7% discount. Bob is right when he says that a sales tax will encourage strangers to conspire tax fraud.

Since the implementation of the 7% Goods and Services Act Revenue Canada doubled the number of auditors it employed.

Also, in communities that are close to the boarder, a number of Canadians do their shopping in the United States, and avoid our 15% sales tax rates. This has caused our customs service to become more concerned with the collection of the 7% GST than securing the border.

Bob Enyart

Staff member

Thanks for the great comments. I liked them so much, I bought the company! ... er, aaa, I mean, I pasted them to

Thanks again!

-Bob Enyart
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Bob Enyart

Staff member
I’m glad to hear you are for the flat tax; it is one of Jerry Brown’s better ideas.

I know Joe is banned, but just to add a comment: The flat tax is God's idea, and Jerry (who I've interviewed onone of our more colorful BEL shows) is merely one of millions of people who have seen the merit in God's idea. See more at

(Thinking about you Joe this Christmas Season and hoping you are well.)

-Bob Enyart


Well-known member
I know Joe is banned, but just to add a comment: The flat tax is God's idea, and Jerry (who I've interviewed onone of our more colorful BEL shows) is merely one of millions of people who have seen the merit in God's idea. See more at

(Thinking about you Joe this Christmas Season and hoping you are well.)

-Bob Enyart

Bob, I have been meaning to ask you.

You have said that to take that which is not yours by compulsion is theft. Did I hear that right? If so, wouldn't you call what the government does, taxation by compulsion, theft? if not, why?

Thanks brother Bob. And Merry Christmas to you and your family also.