Brits Arrest Suspected Muslims in Jihadist Airplane Plot

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Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Brits Arrest Suspected Muslims in Jihadist Airplane Plot
Thursday August 10, 2006. This is show #159.

* Suspected Muslims Apprehended: British police have detained 24 suspected Jihadists in a plot to bomb American, Continental, United, and British Airways planes over the Atlantic Ocean.
* Al Gore is in Depression: (or is it a recession?) with fewer hurricanes than predicted and waters in the Atlantic Ocean temporarily cooling by ten degrees.
* Ben from Augusta GA: learned today of his half-brother's death in a mental institution, and Bob discussed the weakness of psychiatric knee-jerk diagnosis of chemical imbalance, and also why God refrains from healing people.
* Bush Nominee Pushes Plan B Abortion Pill: Human Life Int'l spokesman Jason Jones exposes this extremist pro-abortion move of Bush's nominee to head the FDA.
* Dave from Los Angeles: Complimented Bob for defeating Neal Boortz in yesterday's debate on a National Sales Tax, and asked how best to advise his mother-in-law who is depending upon prayer, when she has been given a week to live unless she gets a life-saving operation, and Dave thanked Bob for the powerful sermons on prayer that recently aired here on
* AOL CEO says, "I See Dead People": AOL will not even cancel accounts of customers who have passed away.
* MTV Snoops to a New Low: MTV Saturday morning cartoons show a black singer walking his women on leashes, with black women walking on all fours. This depicts well MTV's overall positioning of women, especially black women, as dogs in the gutter. And please note the hypocrisy, as Mel Gibson is properly criticized for his drunken anti-Semitic tirade, Hollywood spends millions on TV and in movies to aggressively mock Christians.
* Iranian Revolutionary Guard Fighting in Lebanon: Bob repositions the conservative lamenting and hand-wringing over Israel's current war.
Today's Resource: Why does God not perform daily, undeniable miracles? Because men typically respond badly to God’s displays of power. The ten plagues in Egypt, the forty years of miracles in the wilderness, and Christ’s wonders in Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum all left onlookers in a state of unbelief. Listen to Bob's Bible study album, Details Galore, to hear the Bible passages that explain why God, mercifully, refrains from doing miracles.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
So, what's with this show title. Anyone?

So, what's with this show title. Anyone?

So, what's with this show title. Anyone?

"Brits Arrest Suspected Muslims in Jihadist Airplane Plot"

I've asked a handful of folks, and it's interesting that people tend not to see it.

-Bob Enyart


Formerly Shimei!
Bob Enyart said:
So, what's with this show title. Anyone?

"Brits Arrest Suspected Muslims in Jihadist Airplane Plot"

I've asked a handful of folks, and it's interesting that people tend not to see it.

-Bob Enyart

The word "suspected"?


New member

'suspected Muslims' ????

I don't think any but Muslims carry-out Jihadists activities, except of course for the occassional self-loathing-terrorists-want-to-be.


Formerly Shimei!
2ephesians8 said:

'suspected Muslims' ????

I don't think any but Muslims carry-out Jihadists activities, except of course for the occassional self-loathing-terrorists-want-to-be.

But they didn't carry out any Jihadists activities yet. They were profiled.


New member
Bob Enyart said:
So, what's with this show title. Anyone?

"Brits Arrest Suspected Muslims in Jihadist Airplane Plot"

I've asked a handful of folks, and it's interesting that people tend not to see it.

-Bob Enyart

What "holy war" do the Muslims have with the British and America?


New member
Shimei said:
But they didn't carry out any Jihadists activities yet. They were profiled.

You really think so? I was wondering about this...some kind of crazy test to see how world domination is coming along...I guess I should read the link and listen to the show...

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