Calvin-ism Leads to Heaven!


New member
I wholeheartedly know that Christ is my Great High Priest and Advocate.
I don't care to know anything about dispensationalism be it trans or any other gender.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
'you're presuming your position is correct, and then fitting everything to that presupposed conclusion.' I know my position is according to God's revealed truth written in the New Testament (2Tim3:15-17)
Wow! That "you're presuming your position is correct, and then fitting everything to that presupposed conclusion" comes straight from the pamphlet, "How to Impress/Woo the Audience with Cliches/Soundbytes, When You Are Stumped, That Really Says NADA."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I wholeheartedly know that Christ is my Great High Priest and Advocate.
I don't care to know anything about dispensationalism be it trans or any other gender.

So, the mutt admits that he/she/it is lost, as only the lost, a sinner,are/is in need of a High Priest.And thanks for confirming you never read the OT, much less studied its details, including the role of the High Priest.

Pathetic. Sit, Boy.


New member
So, the mutt admits that he/she/it is lost, as only the lost, a sinner,are/is in need of a High Priest.And thanks for confirming you never read the OT, much less studied its details, including the role of the High Priest.

Pathetic. Sit, Boy.

I understand the teaching of the letter to the Hebrews which gives a full understanding of Jesus fulfilling all the High priesthood figure of the Old Covenant.
I don't need to study the Old Testament to know Jesus our Great High Priest.
You need to repent of your rude insulting name calling. Show 'heavenly' behaviour and thus glorify Christ name!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I understand the teaching of the letter to the Hebrews which gives a full understanding of Jesus fulfilling all the High priesthood figure of the Old Covenant.
I don't need to study the Old Testament to know Jesus our Great High Priest.
You need to repent of your rude insulting name calling. Show 'heavenly' behaviour and thus glorify Christ name!

No, Hebrews(and John...) is expounding on how only the lost, a sinner,are/is in need of a High Priest.The saved have an advocate, in no need of a High Priest.

Sit down, until I call on you.And I call wolves, ignorant people what they are. You cry, and complain, like your stage/acting name of "boy"-Wa, wa, wa,.....Don't name call, you meanie!!!!! The Saviour, John the b., Peter, Paul...................never name called!!!!! Stop!!!!

That is highly unscriptural, kid.

Now, pull up your bib, and do not spit on your bunny shirt, and stuff your baby "don't name call" act. The bible is a rough book. War is rough. Accept it.


New member
John, You may consider yourself wise and understanding but it is 'earthly, unspiritual devilish' wisdom(James3:7-17).

Right Divider

Body part
Do you believe Christ's Resurrection really happened (Ro10:9KJV)? Then you're justified/saved (Ro4:25KJV). Catholicism believes that "the Catholic faithful" and "others who believe in Christ," are both in "a certain . . . communion with the Catholic Church," and we know what believing in Christ, means believing that He is risen (2Ti2:8KJV).


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
'you're presuming your position is correct, and then fitting everything to that presupposed conclusion.' I know my position is according to God's revealed truth written in the New Testament (2Tim3:15-17)
Then you ought to know all about the episcopal office of the Church, especially given your scripture reference, which is taken from a letter that Paul wrote to a member of that same office, to Bishop Timothy, a bishop whom Paul himself consecrated through the imposition of his own hands upon Timothy.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Exactly none of that was made up.
Those, like yourself, who include works
I don't.
, as a basis of the LORD God's acceptance, justification, pervert the gospel of Christ, making the resurrection of no affect, and the Lord Jesus Christ died in vain.
It's not possible to lose your salvation over a doctrinal difference, so long as you maintain belief in Christ's Resurrection.
Get saved, wolf.
All you need to do is believe that Christ's Resurrection was an historical event, a fact of history, nonfiction. That is when the Spirit of God comes to dwell with you. This is what the episcopal office of the Catholic Church teaches: "those who believe in Christ know the Spirit because he dwells with them."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
All you need to do is believe that Christ's Resurrection was an historical event, a fact of history, nonfiction. That is when the Spirit of God comes to dwell with you. This is what the episcopal office of the Catholic Church teaches: "those who believe in Christ know the Spirit because he dwells with them."

Made up. You winged that, deceiver.

Right Divider

Body part
Do you believe Christ's Resurrection really happened (Ro10:9KJV)? Then you're justified/saved (Ro4:25KJV). Catholicism believes that "the Catholic faithful" and "others who believe in Christ," are both in "a certain . . . communion with the Catholic Church," and we know what believing in Christ, means believing that He is risen (2Ti2:8KJV).

I'm not juggling anything. That you're perceiving me juggling---idk what to tell you. :idunno:
Sure you were. Look at that silly post of yours.

What is "a certain . . . communion"? Why the dots?

What about the ONE BODY?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What is "a certain . . . communion"? Why the dots?

What about the ONE BODY?
That's what they're talking about. Communion has the word 'union' right in it, as in 'uno,' one. One Body of Christ. All those who believe in Christ, are one Church.