

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a liar
A Misinformed Person
A distinction without a difference. The lie doesn't care. Only the truth matters as far as the lie is concerned. The lie can't handle the truth. It must be blocked. What is your test for the truth? Does the truth need to be protected? No. Only the lie. Is your source for the truth protecting the lie?


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Hall of Fame
a prophecy
A Revelation of Jesus Christ
A number to connect it with history. You can trust numbers. Not interpretation. Not even the translators who somehow get the numbers right. Historians do have trouble with dates but eventually they get it right. The fulfillment of prophecy can only be confirmed with numbers.


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Hall of Fame
a post recycled
A Recapitulation
A vision in the Apocalypse that is repeated. A theory developed by Victorinus that is necessary to understand what John wrote. It means chapters in the Apocalypse can't be considered to be in chronological order. That only leads to misinterpretation and a great deal of confusion.


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Hall of Fame
a lie repeated
A Proven Teaching Technique
A blocking of the truth is still needed to protect the lie. Repetition of the lie is never sufficient. Censorship is also required. The lie can't handle the truth. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to state the truth every chance you get even though they will come after you.


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Hall of Fame
a subjective truth
A Lie in the Making
A victim's best friend. You have to blame someone or something. You can't appreciate what you are or what you have. You can't do anything about it. You can always complain. The system is against you and it must be destroyed. An objective truth can make you free.


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Hall of Fame
a freedom
A Celebration
A wall to keep others out. Our system is really bad but that is a secret to all those trying to get in. Who is trying to get out? Who is trying to destroy us? The marxists. They want to save us from all this prosperity. They want to save us from climate change and racism. And freedom.


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Hall of Fame
a first place finisher
A Second Place Finisher
A third place finisher was also on the stage. The first and second place finishers stood at attention with their hand over their heart while the national anthem played. I don't remember what the third place finisher did. It doesn't matter. What does matter?
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a winner
A Celebration
A loser. There will always be losers. Don't waste your time wondering why they lost. We want to know why the winner won. Celebrate the winners. They will lead the way. They will teach others how to win. They will teach us what works and that matters.


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Hall of Fame
a baseball game
A Jim Crow Voting Law
A Delta flight from Atlanta to Denver. Coke anyone? Can you say Voter ID or Ballot Harvesting? Delta, MLB, and Coke can't. They can say Jim Crow along with Biden and Stacey Abrams. So go ahead, drink Coke, fly Delta, and watch the all star game. Jim Crow.


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Hall of Fame
a fake religion
A False Charity
A proof that you care. Who wants to be accused of killing babies? Talk about climate change and racism. That will prove you really care. You can control the conversation. Truth is all you have to worry about. The truth must be cancelled. The lie can't handle it.


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Hall of Fame
a history
A Prophecy
A number to connect them. You can trust numbers. Interpretation not so much. We have way too many bible versions because translators can't agree on the Word of God. Somehow they all agree on the numbers. Use them and history to confirm the fulfillment of prophecy.


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Hall of Fame
a number
A Reliable Connection
A prophecy fulfilled with history. Only history can confirm the fulfillment of prophecy. Only numbers can reliably connect history to prophecy. All the bible translators agree on numbers and colors. You can't trust interpretation. Only numbers and colors. Use them.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
a repetition
A Teaching Technique
A recapitulation, a theory first introduced by Victorinus which holds visions in the Apocalypse are repeated and are not necessarily in chronological order. Like the lie, the truth must be repeated to avoid misinterpretation. The chapters of the Apocalypse are not in chronological order.


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Hall of Fame
a time out
A Break In The Action
A chance to reconnect with the family. Three generations together in a large cabin. We can all still get along. Not counting the dog and cat. The cabin came with a cat. The kids loved it. The dog not so much. The best part? Didn't watch the news. Didn't talk politics. Didn't wear a mask.