Clinton acquaintance agrees: Clintons are narcissists...


New member
The following is from a book by Peggy Noonan (The Case Against Hillary…). Noonan cites someone who has known the Clintons 20 years, and that person in turn (didn’t get her name) cites a psychologist who (was not writing about the Clintons, but)... his words reminded this 20-yr acquaintance of them)

The acquaintance [I believe] said of the Clintons:

“They are narcissists… a particular kind of narcissist…

The psychologist (He may have been a psychiatrist) said:

People who have this kind of disorder have a great need to be loved and admired… On the surface they… [appear to] have an over-inflated view of themselves, and an inordinate need for tribute from others… an over-inflated view of themselves but… can[not] maintain that unless they get the adulation of [in this case] the crowds [which] mirror… back to them the grandiose view they have of themselves. So it’s a circle that has to keep going…

Another characteristic… is that their emotional life is… shallow, they have little empathy… [also] little enjoyment of life other than the tributes they receive from others, or from their grandiose fantasies, and they feel restless and bored when external glitter wears off and no new sources feed their self-regard

[R]elationships… are clearly exploitative… sometimes parasitic. It is as if they feel they have the right to control and possess others… to exploit them without guilt…

ehind a surface which very often is charming and engaging, one senses coldness and ruthlessness
… [V]ery often such [persons] are considered to be dependent, because they need so much tribute and adoration from others [and yet] on a deeper level they are completely unable… to depend on anybody because of their deep distrust and depreciation of others… This incapacity to depend on another person is a… crucial characteristic.

They often have some hero… and establish with such a person what on the surface looks like a dependent relationship…[yet] it regularly emerges… that the admired person is really an extension of themselves [John Kennedy? re Bill, Eleanor Roosevelt? re Hillary]

[Well, there are narcissists running in every presidential race... Watch out for them... They do NOT care about you... The "little people" are merely a means to an end to these people]



New member
That describes 99.9% of politicians.

well, then the author of all that should have used the adjective


to define Narcissist

There are malignant and non-malignant narcissists.

I would say anyone who promotes baby killing just b/c it's politically expedient.. is in the former category
