CNN bias at the Debate?


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hand delivering it and sending a missle across the ocean are two different things.

Hand delivering it would be way more reliable since we can see missiles in the sky cause they stand out.
Where as people with soccer balls can be seen but don't stand out.
Having the nuke is the problem.
We have 11 million illegal immigrants here so our borders are a little leaky.


I was impressed with the lack of bias shown by CNN personnel after the debates... True, I didn't watch ALL of that... but I did watch quite a bit (an amazing feat considering that grueling 3 hour debate)

and I was thinking to myself... Maybe they're not as biased as I thought...

but it was one of those... spoke too soon things

The next day, they were back to their biases... especially that Scott Mc(something or other) dude...


Well, anyway...

I like the way Cruz, when confronted with the (sarcasm alert) HORROR of possibly shutting down the gov over the Planned Barren-head debacle

said "We have to stand up for life"

Good for you, Ted Cruz... you who stand up for what is right

regardless of political consequences

Reality--especially political reality--is more complex and nuanced than we realize. I thought they were coming down on Carly a bit--but what do I know?