Conservatives liberals [NY Times] have the least problem with


New member
Conservatives liberals have the least problem with

  • Rubio
  • Kasich
  • Bush
  • Carson
  • Christie

(One name is missing because i don't think anyone would call him a conservative... except him)

I once thought Rubio may be a good pick, but he was part of the Gang of 8 who wanted amnesty for illegals! And this was AFTER he had campaigned on being against amnesty! He couldn't resist the pull of being part of the Club of Washington [aka cartel]

As a lawyer, you’d think Rubio would understand the word: “illegal.”


All the above listed "R" candidates are liberal on one or more important issues. Please do not vote for any of them. Vote for the true conservative with unchanging American principles, Ted Cruz. He doesn’t flip flop [accusations by detractors in the conservative-hating media notwithstanding].

Ted has been tested, which you will know when you read his book, A Time for Truth

Is he perfect? No, but he is closer to it than anyone else--I would add: "by a long shot"



New member
They have the least problem with them until they get nominated, then it's off with their heads! McCain fell for that too.


New member
They have the least problem with them until they get nominated, then it's off with their heads! McCain fell for that too.

i think all of us fell for it

the NYT just endorsed Kasich b/c he is not absolutely pro-life like Ted Cruz and Huckabee (and maybe Paul? Yeh, i think he is truly pro life as well)


with the liberal and liberal-light media, i wonder if we will ever have "another Reagan"


We the People have to demand it.