"Cruz fights but doesn't win??? .. like saying Jesus fought but..


New member

yeh, saying Cruz fights but doesn't win (!!) is like saying Jesus fought but didn't win

a true Republican can't win in Congress?

well, THAT I will agree to..

it's Cruz's fault he doesn't "win" all the time?

GEEZ... talk about blaming the victim

And we are ALL victims of the liberals in WA (I mean Liebarrels in WA)

chief among them is McConnell, whom Cruz recently (and also maybe not so recently) called an icky name


yeh, right... In a land of Democrats and Socialists.. liars and corrupted sell-outs.. a true American doesn't win?

Oh, gee... how utterly shocking

and it's the American's fault!!!!!!!!

No wonder people are so angry.. no wonder they want an outsider..

but you know.. the smart ones among us.. want a PROVEN





Vote for Ted Cruz!



New member
Not to mention that he does win, as he himself pointed out.

yeh, for sure

sorry, I forgot to mention that... got caught up... well, just being disturbed... about how this country is going into the ditch..

it's really bad when people shun someone like Cruz... and accept and praise REALLY inexperienced people like Carson... who by the way thinks its OK to murder some children... but just some, you know... just some...

I'm only in favor of getting rid of SOME elderly people... just some... you know... like they do in OR and WA (dr-assisted suicide b/c some people are useless... too old and all... but just some, remember... just SOME, OK?)

if it's under a certain number it's OK

(which elderly would I like to be rid of, you may ask? Well... I won't go there... not even jokingly)
