Cruz/Walker.. are probably the only PROVEN/TESTED "outsiders"


New member
Cruz/Walker.. are probably the only PROVEN/TESTED "outsiders

Think about it..

None of the candidates have been tested like Walker and Cruz

Walker received DEATH threats when he fought the unions in Wisconsin, yet he never backed down. We could use that quality in a president... whether we speak of Congress or IS or whatever..

and he didn't distort his face or his words...into BULLY mode in the process...

Cruz was the only one to filibuster Obamacare, the only member of Congress who went THAT far in order to try to save us from it... Others caved...

Vote for someone who REALLY cares about you... the little people

who wil fight to protect you from the BEAST known as "government"



New member
We can have honesty and truth (Cruz/Walker..)

without bluster... dishonesty (I'm a R... I'm the only one who can save America, I'm a conservative even though I supported the Obama Stimulus and Obamacare.... etc, etc)
