lol,I suppose at times I word things post trib,premill. ,,I notice many say "what?,explain that,,ect" when I do. I wondered about how this thread would go when I first saw it and who else was post,historic ect if any. But it is good to see it going civil so far,it proves dispys will discuss touchy matters among themselves with respect.
Ive said in the past,or ask how others arrange these verses,,,
1 Corinthians 15:23-26 KJV ,, Matthew 23:39 KJV ,,, and John 5:43 KJV ,,
In John 5:43 Jesus seems to be telling them "well since you don't believe I am the Messiah,then you are going to keep looking for one to come, so your going to believe the the man of sin is me when he comes".
I suppose in most eschatology this is true,everybody's either checked things off the list as fulfilled or their looking at the list and waiting for it to be fulfilled. So the Jews not having the Messiah part checked off as fulfilled in Jesus simply will recognize the man of sin as the king,Messiah ect. when he comes.
So as it seems when he does come he will then restore the kingdom the way they thought it was suppose to happen when they sang that to Jesus back then. Jesus instead went into the temple and told them that not one stone would be left on the other,lol,, it makes you wonder how many who sang "blessed is he that..." changed their mind about Jesus as fulfilling this and then thought he wasn't who he said he was when he didn't do what they thought he was suppose to.
Even among many Christian's they see these things as if checked off the list as fulfilled so there is nothing in the future to "watch for" except for the return of Christ and so when the man of sin comes then they will assume that he is Christ,that is he will mimic the things they think he will do so they'll believe he is the Christ.
In Paul's comment he says "in it's own order",,, so it seems Paul is saying "thing 1 will happen,then thing 2,then ect." and that thing 3,2 ect cant happen before thing 1. ,,,lol
That's why I'm so curious about how to look at those things Jesus said compared to Paul,Peter,John ect.
So If Jesus said they wont see him until they say to him that he is the Christ,and he also said that they were going to receive the one who comes in his own name,which one will they do first?
If they turn and see that he is the Christ, then after they confess him as Christ they follow the man of sin can they return to Christ? If they cannot return then will they all be saved?
To me it seems that they fall first,then they turn to Christ. So to me I see that they say let us make an image to the beast that was and was not yet is(create another state of Israel),then they build a temple(don't need to but they don't see that) then they await that promised Messiah(but another comes instead,M.O.S.),then they worship him as God on earth and to them the judgement begins(in their minds).
So there then are all those disbelievers(real Christians who wont worship the image or take his mark) and their false Messiah has them bring those who wont fall down and worship him as God(Christians) and he kills them/has them killed Revelation 13:15 KJV .
Now if we consider that happening, then those who are even in our own family will think that if they don't tell him(MOS,who they think is God) where you are hiding ,then to them the only chance we will have is for them to help us/turn us in ect. and they will think that they are doing Gods service in doing so.
But what is holding all this back from coming? Can the rapture occur before the image is set up and those who will be killed for not worshiping it are killed? Can the first Resurrection take place before all of those who will be killed for Jesus names sake Matthew 24:9 KJV ,have been killed for their testimony?